Nov 2015
2:38pm, 26 Nov 2015
3,975 posts
Wine Legs
Hello all...
Now, here's something I am thinking about, now that I am past the 24 weeks and into the 'viable' area...
what the heck do I pack in my hospital bag please?
Any advice, greatly appreciated!
Nov 2015
7:03pm, 26 Nov 2015
1,556 posts
Elsie Too
I'm sure there used to be an article on this but can't find it, so maybe there wasn't. It's been a while but for a start: For you a nightshirt preferably with buttons at the top for ease of access for feeding, snacks, pads for in your bra (as well as soaking up leaks which will take a few days, the pads add comfort when the nipples get sore In the first few days of feeding), really big thick sanitary towels. Nappies, vests, baby grows,
I'll keep thinking but others with younger kids will have this fresher in their minds...
Nov 2015
7:09pm, 26 Nov 2015
1,557 posts
Elsie Too
Toiletries, slippers, dressing gown, going home clothes for you and the babies, maternity notes,
Nov 2015
7:44pm, 26 Nov 2015
672 posts
Off the top of my baby-brain frazzled head - mega thick sanitary towels (boots own brand were good), some dark coloured pants in a bigger size than normal, straws and flannel (I found both invaluable during pushing stage although not sure if you're having a c-section due to twins?), sleepwear you can unbutton easily, loose clothing for going home, slippers/fluffy socks, clothes for babies - sleepsuits, vests, hats, blanket, muslin cloths, nappies and wipes (we used Waterwipes from day one and Sophie hasn't had nappy rash yet touch wood!), breast pads and nipple cream, dressing gown (although hospitals are hot and I didn't use mine), phone charger, hair ties/bands to keep it out of your face, will keep thinking...I had my list on my phone but seem to have deleted it.
Nov 2015
7:59pm, 26 Nov 2015
3,974 posts
Something to do. It can get boring. We started playing Scrabble when I was in labour with Daughter but we never got to the end of it as the contractions got too strong. I've never been allowed to forget it (and the game remains unfinished).
Nov 2015
8:28pm, 26 Nov 2015
673 posts
Lip balm. I took things to read...and didn't read a thing! My phone was my best distraction, I found I couldn't focus on much else.
Nov 2015
9:51pm, 27 Nov 2015
164 posts
what everyone else said plus i was given a little wooden roller massager. it was amazing during labour - gave mr lambkin something to do and gave me something other than pain to focus on.
Nov 2015
11:25pm, 27 Nov 2015
4,116 posts
mobile charger. it's a pain without one. and face wipes as walking anywhere straight after birth is too much effort. but to be honest, my last birth nearly happened without notes, any clothes for me/baby or the husband
Nov 2015
7:43pm, 28 Nov 2015
1,496 posts
Hello all, good to hear from you new mummies. Have written down the bag list from above. I'd forgotten most of that. I seem to remember there was a spray that helped for the nether regions last time, Mama spray or something?
I'm half way now and made it a whole 4 weeks without a bleed Scan on Weds so should find out more about what is going on with placenta now. Lots of kicking going on so very reassuring
Nov 2015
10:52pm, 28 Nov 2015
16,819 posts
Good luck with that, Kimmy.
Sciatica has kicked in with K now. Seven weeks earlier than last time.
Alex has decided to call the baby Lucky Dave.