Nov 2015
3:56pm, 9 Nov 2015
669 posts
WL - I had carpal tunnel in both hands. You have my sympathy. Not an awful lot you can do sadly, I got some hand splints from the physio to wear at night to keep your hands from curling up. There are some exercises that can help too, keeping arm out straight in front of you, use your other hand to push back the hand/wrist of the sore one, towards you. The issue is the wrist rather than the fingers so you want to do things to keep them mobile. I also found running cold water over them for a few minutes every morning helped a bit. If it's any comfort...mine went away almost instantly after Sophie was born.
Nov 2015
3:57pm, 9 Nov 2015
670 posts
Also - you look fab
Nov 2015
8:14pm, 9 Nov 2015
1,495 posts
Nice bump WL. And yes you count as a new mummy BC. I felt like a new mummy for at least 2 years.
Nov 2015
8:30am, 10 Nov 2015
162 posts
WL you look amazing!
I am sat in bed feeding Hazel with a cup of tea and the radio on. I don't think I could be happier.
Managed to walk 2 miles yesterday but felt a bit faint afterwards so I think it was a bit much. Building upday by day and s tarting to feel a bit more in control down below. This is quite a relief -though running is a long way off.
Nov 2015
9:07am, 10 Nov 2015
3,937 posts
Wine Legs
I can't imagine how hideous it would be to have in both hands. My hand has eased off now (still a bit achey, but so much better than Sunday night). I am assuming it's Carpal Tunnel...
On Sunday night I couldn't use it for anything at all.
Lambkin, isn't it a bit soon for Hazel to be having tea?
Nov 2015
9:28am, 10 Nov 2015
10,601 posts
I had CT in my last 2 pregnancies but it came and went so I was lucky. rest and ice helped a bit xxx
Nov 2015
10:45am, 10 Nov 2015
4,114 posts
Hello to you all. I wore my normal bikini all the way though all pregnancies. I don't care really plus refuse to buy things I know I don't actually like wearing (Have not had a swimsuit since I was about 10) Apart from the odd: "Are you sure there's just one in there?", all was fine CT sounds very painful but seems to be temporary
Nov 2015
12:45pm, 10 Nov 2015
10,463 posts
Great news Lambkin Sounds like you're getting to grips with it all in no time! Can't wait for those newborn cuddles myself.
Nov 2015
9:01pm, 12 Nov 2015
8,428 posts
How is everyone doing today?
I must admit with all these new babies (plus a colleague at work having three friends with newborns almost all on the same day) I am getting broody again. That is all.
Nov 2015
10:24pm, 12 Nov 2015
4,734 posts
Hi OS,
An August baby would mean a birthday just as school was going back
Sylvie had her second lot of jabs today. She was fine. Just a little cry then fell straight asleep after a little cuddle. She's been playing and laughing as normal all evening (and is still not tired now!)