Dec 2020
6:26pm, 30 Dec 2020
3,505 posts
c6 then h6 would do it
Dec 2020
6:28pm, 30 Dec 2020
19,188 posts
I'll try to get my head round this complexity Would h8 be stalemate then?
Dec 2020
6:29pm, 30 Dec 2020
32,773 posts
The queen promotion isn't really the issue, it's not leaving the King with any escape squares. Just moving the knight for example would allow the king space.
Dec 2020
6:30pm, 30 Dec 2020
3,506 posts
h8 works - and more efficient than my suggestion
Dec 2020
6:32pm, 30 Dec 2020
32,774 posts
Actually TBF that works quite well based on the set up.
Dec 2020
6:32pm, 30 Dec 2020
19,189 posts
So.... if I move to a square that puts the King in check, and any further moves by the King would also be check, that's checkmate? if I move to a square that isn't check, but it only leaves the King squares that would be check, that's a stalemate?
Is that it?
Dec 2020
6:35pm, 30 Dec 2020
3,507 posts
Yes - although a check can also be prevented from being checkmate by blocking or taking, of course.
Dec 2020
6:43pm, 30 Dec 2020
32,775 posts
That's it exactly with the caveat Goofee added.
Dec 2020
6:47pm, 30 Dec 2020
19,190 posts
Yayyy, I got there eventually! A good lesson learnt today.
Thanks to JulesR too for sending me fmails.
Dec 2020
6:48pm, 30 Dec 2020
4,158 posts
mr d
Had a 'wild' rapid match against a random where it was declared stalemate as we whittled each other down to just our kings.