Fetch Birdwatchers

2 lurkers | 165 watchers
Sep 2020
5:17pm, 21 Sep 2020
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Nice pictures um. You haven’t treated yourself to a new zoom lens by any chance?
Sep 2020
5:52pm, 21 Sep 2020
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Hi David,
I did buy a new Canon 70-300 lens - the focus on the old one was all wrong. That was the 'cheap' option at £400.

I hired the Canon 100-400 for 3 days for £80 (really 5 since it was delivered by 12:00 the day before, and I got the Sunday free) and it was fantastic. Quite tempted, but at £2,200, just a little too much. I've decided I'll treat myself and hire one for 1 or 2 weeks a year for planned trips. It's also heavy, not something to take on the off-chance, and needs a tripod/monopod for anything at full zoom or anything other than perfect light.
Not only would I get 30% more magnification, the image quality was much better, so I'd also reckon on digital magnification of about 50% better than the 'cheap' lens.
But, failing a lottery or pools surprise, I suspect it will be a few hires a year.
Although I am toying with the argument 'we saved all that money on the US road trip we cancelled, and we haven't had any holidays (after March) this year ... '
Sep 2020
7:05pm, 21 Sep 2020
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Those photo's are pin sharp um, really good.

Ouch, £2,200 is a lot of money, but as you say, holidays have been put on the back burner. I'm not sure at my age lugging a tripod around is a good thing. I do struggle with my 70-300 lens holding it steady, but a tripod would be just more weight.

Keep us posted.
Sep 2020
7:42pm, 21 Sep 2020
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Wow, this photography lark is expensive. Lovely buzzard pics👍
Sep 2020
9:12pm, 21 Sep 2020
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David - I found a monopod better. Firstly I’m mostly mobile (walking) and I take opportunistic shots (birds or deer). I don’t plan and set up and wait hours, and the birds and deer rarely stay and pose. So speed and portability are key.
Sep 2020
8:40am, 22 Sep 2020
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Yeah, nice pics here. It sure is expensive at the top end of photography, reminds me of the difference between elite runners and the rest! Didn't see a thing this morning while running, too dark!
Sep 2020
11:35am, 23 Sep 2020
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This morning's run included a vain hunt for a Garganey that was around yesterday but I got a good deal of compensation from finding extended good views of both a Lesser Whitethroat and a Spotted Flycatcher. The Spotted Fly in particular is a very late sighting for round here.
Sep 2020
12:08pm, 23 Sep 2020
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Great spots, ff! I'm off to Shropshire for a few days tomorrow, and when we were there last year we were watching a pied flycatcher going in and out of a nestbox in a pub garden. Sadly we'll be too late for that this year. May still need to try out the pub, though (assuming it's open) :) .
Sep 2020
12:17pm, 23 Sep 2020
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Derby Tup
Pied fly is a lovely bird and spot fly a real birders’ special nerd
Sep 2020
12:22pm, 23 Sep 2020
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Seems we have a new neighbour ...

Neighbour is building an aviary to house it, I'm rebuilding my fence that they can see is completely rotten now they've demolished their shed. May have better or more pics later.
When the time is right, I need to ask about the legality. I assume, for now, it's all fully legal, since he is also flying it openly.

About This Thread

Maintained by AngelWings
Big Garden Birdwatch 26-28th January rspb.org.uk

BTO BirdTrack: blx1.bto.org

BirdTrack App: bto.org

BTO Website: bto.org

Website for identifying dragon & damselflies: british-dragonflies.org.uk

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