May 2022
4:57pm, 9 May 2022
8,821 posts
Northern Exile
Will do Dave 🙂
May 2022
8:42pm, 10 May 2022
5,856 posts
Looks like son 1 (instructor at a Staffordshire outdoor activity centre) has landed himself a job at a centre on the eastern edge of Cumbria. One of the big pluses for them is that hiking in the Lakes will be eminently possible on their days off
May 2022
9:49pm, 10 May 2022
2,108 posts
Excellent TR. Demand that their accommodation includes a spare bedroom …. You’ll be wanting to visit them I’m sure.
May 2022
9:53pm, 11 May 2022
8,833 posts
Northern Exile
I know he's far too modest to announce it here, but I see that as of today the LDWA have added the Synges as register 2E. That should increase their popularity no end!
May 2022
9:54pm, 11 May 2022
25,182 posts
May 2022
7:54am, 12 May 2022
14,120 posts
I've done my sums, can you stick me on the list for 77 Wainwrights please
May 2022
8:11am, 12 May 2022
45,438 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
I know he's far too modest to announce it here, but I see that as of today the LDWA have added the Synges as register 2E. That should increase their popularity no end!
Thanks, Martyn. Well spotted!
I’m still astounded that what started out as a low-key personal survey gathered any momentum at all and was very pleased when Nicky Wood, the new recorder for the Hillwalker’s Register, got in touch with me. Exciting news!
It’s very gratifying when someone gets in touch to say what a gem of a view they discovered by trekking off their route just to bag a minor summit that they would never have gone near had it not been on my list!
And, yes, an update is still in the works. 😀
May 2022
8:29am, 12 May 2022
8,834 posts
Northern Exile
Nicky seems very enthusiastic and knowledgeable to me. I emailed her to register our second round of the Wainwrights and give a Birketts/Fellrangers update, she replied almost instantly with a very encouraging message. I still haven't got round to doing any more Birketts mind you!
May 2022
5:05pm, 13 May 2022
1,770 posts
Saw a few of the mad fools running the 10in10 today whilst driving around when driving round Windermere …. Good luck to them ….looked to be only 6 or 7 runners going for the 10.
May 2022
5:10pm, 13 May 2022
45,455 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
We passed several - I think probably the last three, as there was an official car following them and possibly protecting them from traffic - as we drove down from Windermere towards Newby Bridge sometime before 2pm. They all got a wave out of the window and a toot on the horn from me! 😀
I’m sure I read that Brathay had accepted one or two more than the usual number (around 16?), so maybe they were already quite spread out?