Feb 2016
8:04am, 12 Feb 2016
8,710 posts
I'm going to Stamford Hill on my bike this morning. That's vaguely new. Clutching at straws a bit though.
Feb 2016
8:06am, 12 Feb 2016
8,711 posts
I have a better one. A sporty one! As of last night I have a new WAVA target of 90%. There's ambitious!
Feb 2016
8:17am, 12 Feb 2016
5,118 posts
Wow that is a seriously good WAVA target Thank you Becca for choosing my newt jingle from yesterday.
Mine today is far less interesting.. due to a shocking result last night on the scales at Fat Club I had a 'new' breakfast this morning... and quite horrible it was too... if I hadn't found a load of blueberries still in the fridge to mask it I think I'd probably just have resigned myself to staying the weight I am
Feb 2016
9:00am, 12 Feb 2016
11,099 posts
Wriggling Snake
I am going to visit even more pubs, not new, just improved.
Feb 2016
9:18am, 12 Feb 2016
20,537 posts
I'm off to have a work meeting at a coffee shop. U might have to try a new cake option
Feb 2016
9:27am, 12 Feb 2016
33,423 posts
THAT'S ambitious indeed, Sharkie! And achievable for you
I had a new sort of with my breakfast today. Not new as in innovative or even particularly appealing - it was bog-standard Spanish supermarket sliced cake - but one I hadn't had before.
I should be stealing a march on all you language folk, because I'm in a hotel full of mostly Danish tourists in a Spanish place, but my Spanish is of the standard that you might expect from someone bodging it from previous good school-level French and Latin and a bit of Italian. I have not, however, gone into a restaurant and asked for a slice of cat yet.
Feb 2016
9:52am, 12 Feb 2016
12,669 posts
I've just started the Duolingo Spanish course (thanks to this thread) and I'm leaving in a minute to spend the day with my daughter at a spa. Never done that before (never thought I wanted to!) but I'm really excited
Feb 2016
9:57am, 12 Feb 2016
8,712 posts
That is pretty cool, jenny - a genuine new thing - 'never thought I wanted to' - I await your verdict.
Feb 2016
9:59am, 12 Feb 2016
16,987 posts
I've had a look at duolingo. I'll have a go at that at some point, bring my Polish on a bit.
I've noticed they have an Esperanto course. Seriously? I'll be honest, that's putting me off a bit.
Feb 2016
10:04am, 12 Feb 2016
8,713 posts
It's a wee bit American feeling ( I don't know if it IS American but it feels it) - good fun but I am going back to my good ol' BBC text books to complement it.