Apr 2016
9:56pm, 3 Apr 2016
20,714 posts
Lime and coconut cake sounds great.
Nothing newt as such but I am trying to formulate a bit of a 'out of this rut' and 'stop being tired and fed up' kind of plan. It essentially involves being kinder to myself in every way.
Apr 2016
9:59pm, 3 Apr 2016
9,454 posts
That sounds good HP. Kind is good.
Apr 2016
10:09pm, 3 Apr 2016
33,645 posts
I thought the lime and coconut cake was a bit blah and not noticeably limey or coconutty, though the portion was generous. However, it clearly contained something that gave my muscles a bit of oomph, and that something was still working 30 miles after I'd eaten the cake.
I'd really wanted steak and ale pie, or at least a baked spud with a dollop of protein, but we were too late for proper food
Apr 2016
10:06am, 4 Apr 2016
6,703 posts
I want lime and coconut cake now.
I've missed out a few newts, mostly on the basis that they were things that would have happened anyway, rather than a conscious effort on my part to try new things. New races, to me, Two Oceans and Wakefield 10km, bringing yet more new tshirts. Flew with an airline I hadn't flown with before, Qatar, so visited a new country as well, even though it was just the airport. New iPad, thanks to the Independent, so I have switched to reading news via their app and I am enjoying this very much.
Proper newt was not a good one. My mum had bought some kerala, also known as bitter gourd, something that I had seen in supermarkets before. I like pretty much any vegetable but this was rank.
Apr 2016
10:16am, 4 Apr 2016
9,080 posts
That's a fine collection becca, however you look at it. Pity about the kerala... I understand your disappointment as I always expect to like any and every new vegetable I come across. Bad or wrong cooking sometimes does this - but I'm sure that wasn't the case for you.
Apr 2016
10:19am, 4 Apr 2016
33,646 posts
I can confirm that there was a lot of coconut in that cake and that my cantankerous colon really, really, really disapproves of shredded coconut. The latter is not a newt discovery, but I keep hoping that it'll go away if I ignore it.
I made a 'phone call to a newt, erm, financial service provider today. It was painless. I'm waiting for a 'phone call from a person I've never spoken to before now.
Apr 2016
8:34pm, 6 Apr 2016
9,495 posts
Today I taught a new class in a new classroom. And made Eton Mess with soya custard (it was yummy).
Apr 2016
8:56pm, 6 Apr 2016
20,727 posts
I sent emails enquiring about biomass boilers today - so hopefully I will have a new, more economical heating system before next winter. I have also started a new 30 day yoga thingy online (the other Adriene one for those in the know).
Apr 2016
12:51pm, 7 Apr 2016
12,904 posts
Yorkshire Pie
I'm doing a radio interview in 10 minutes
Apr 2016
1:04pm, 7 Apr 2016
22,514 posts
I hope it's going well YP