Feb 2018
8:44pm, 15 Feb 2018
8,342 posts
Little Nemo
No newts yesterday as I was ill and today's was a bit sedentary as I was recovering on the sofa. While flicking through the channels on TV I found Biathlon (skiing and shooting) at the Winter Olympics which is something I've never seen before. I ended up watching the whole event as it was totally riveting. It's an amazing combination of speed and accuracy and the competitors can go from first to nowhere by missing just one target.
Almost makes me wish I lived somewhere with snow so I could try it out
Feb 2018
9:04pm, 15 Feb 2018
14,319 posts
That’s lovely Daisy
Me and gorgeous niece on a fairground ride together
Feb 2018
9:06pm, 15 Feb 2018
35,559 posts
I love watching biathlon LM, the mass starts and relays will be even more exciting than the individual that was on today as they start at the same time rather than time trial style.
Feb 2018
9:07pm, 15 Feb 2018
35,560 posts
Feb 2018
9:11pm, 15 Feb 2018
4,482 posts
I think the Biathlon athletes work on biofeedback (? Is that what I mean) so that they can drop their heart rate right down to be calm for the shooting bit. Which is amazing.
I entered the Moonwalk today (walking a marathon overnight whilst wearing a specially decorated bra for breast cancer research). I've never walked that far. Or walked through the night. Or gone out in public with my bra intentionally on view. Or entered an event to raise money for charity (usually I CBA with fundraising). So, er, that's a Newt.
Feb 2018
9:22pm, 15 Feb 2018
21,481 posts
A praiseworthy newt in all respects Maz. And I love NSC's photo
Feb 2018
9:39pm, 15 Feb 2018
13,025 posts
Very jolly photo!
Yeah, extremely praiseworthy, Maz. Specially as it's obvs not your thing. Me neither - but having said that for three years (almost) on the trot me and Raffo saw the Moonwalk on our way to the airport for very early flights. This was ages ago and we didn't know what it was the first time - seemed rather surreal all these women ploughingthrough central London in bras. Could be a laugh though, more of a laugh than THE marathon.
Feb 2018
9:46pm, 15 Feb 2018
13,026 posts
Little N, I sympathise.
I've been a bit scuppered too. I sort of have newts but they're not very pleasant.
Three power cuts in the space of one hour just now.
And although I told myself no WAY would I suffer any side effects from these massive horse pill Antibiotics I've been instructed to take, well I have. Nothing serious (obvs) but not the sort of new thing I want!
V. hard just being at track tonight. I did my warm up lap (more walking than jogging) clockwise for a change, and I tried to do a new drill, bit my heart wasn't in it.
Perhaps I will walk up three flights of stairs backwards while hoping there isn't another power cut.
Good work everyone else! xxxx
Feb 2018
9:48pm, 15 Feb 2018
37,755 posts
I did the Moonwalk once. It was weird. All lively and buzzy and s'lebby at the start, but the actual walk was quite dreary. Fortunately, I had good company
Feb 2018
9:54pm, 15 Feb 2018
40,124 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
I imagine Maz would have good company, her friends sound entertaining I had a newt planned but it was a bit too late, so that’s tomorrow’s. My newt was learning lots of new interesting geographical facts by playing a trivia game with the fleecelings. They are such geographical geeks: they know more about Kazakhstan than Norfolk