Do a New Thing for Spring (2018)

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Feb 2018
8:45am, 15 Feb 2018
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Fierce and Focused Fleecy
Quite, Sharkie!
Today’s newt might have to be buying ds1 new tracksuit bottoms, because he appears to have grown out of all of his. Seeing 3 inches of ankle in yesterday’s freezing winds was quite funny though :)
Feb 2018
8:46am, 15 Feb 2018
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Fierce and Focused Fleecy
But I’ll aim for another more interesting newt too :)
Feb 2018
8:50am, 15 Feb 2018
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Meant to say I like Linds and Maz's so far this morning. New city with added translation wrestling tournament is gonig to be hard to beat ... and I've never crowd funded anything.

New book, new author is a worthy standby Alice! Good reminder. (Music, art and drama also apply)
Feb 2018
9:22am, 15 Feb 2018
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I also started a new book which someone must have lent me. Sadly it is a Linda La Plante and after a chapter I will not continue reading it. Drivel!
Feb 2018
10:41am, 15 Feb 2018
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My newt was not being freezing at 6.30 when I went for a run, it was so nice that when I'd been a taxi I went for another.
Feb 2018
11:21am, 15 Feb 2018
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My newt for today probably doesn't count but it's made me happy. Last autumn I planted dozens of spring bulbs in our seaside back yard. I've just spent an hour clearing the couch grass from the borders (couch grass and cockroaches will survive the nuclear winter) and can see loads leaves and flower buds, and our dwarf daffs ate already blooming. So my newt is having a pretty Spring backyard for the first time :-)
Feb 2018
11:38am, 15 Feb 2018
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Also, does booking a trip somewhere new count? I have flights and hotel booked for Seville in the autumn :-)
Feb 2018
12:26pm, 15 Feb 2018
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Yes to BOTH of those LD! The blooming backyard is a lovely spring thing. :-)
Feb 2018
12:33pm, 15 Feb 2018
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Two good newts there LD.

My newt today was talking to a dog owner I haven't met before and letting our dogs play off the lead together then going for a walk around the village... not only that but I made myself take the time not to make an instant judgement about someone, which I might have was good to chat to someone in the village who is clearly a responsible dog owner and wants to do the best for his pet and it was a really nice start to the day. Our backgrounds (I imagine) could not be more different but I really hope we get a chance to let our dogs interact again.

(Those on the WB&W thread will know that this is a bigger deal for me and Wanda than the above makes it sound.)
Feb 2018
2:30pm, 15 Feb 2018
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BBL that sounds like an excellent newt to me.

I have lots of newts today but they are all purchases. I melted my down jacket on the door of the boiler earlier. I live in my down jacket so I have ordered a new one (a pair of Rab trousers might have been in my basket as well). I have also replaced some jeans which were falling apart. I must find better newts and do some conscious newting.

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