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Coronavirus **support** thread

161 watchers
Jul 2020
8:31pm, 14 Jul 2020
9,916 posts
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Had this from my Dad who lives in Barcelona today

Covid returns. We have a major outbreak at Hospitalatet de Llobregat which is only 7.5 km away. Locals are expecting a return to lockdown.
Jul 2020
8:35pm, 14 Jul 2020
18,459 posts
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Covered above Dave. I don’t think these new rules are about limiting risk per se but about limiting risk where it has minimum economic impact

Can’t open a restaurant with masks. So instead take numbers of one person per booking and have a 1m gap between tables

Can have shoppers with masks. Can’t track who else they meet. Can’t guarantee internet shopping for vulnerable. So mandate masks
Jul 2020
8:40pm, 14 Jul 2020
20,204 posts
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Because when you try and drink a beer with a mask on, most of it goes down your front.

Unless you get something like this thepatent.news

Also, you will (it is expected) be pretty much in one place in a pub, thus mingling with far fewer people. The pub I usually visit is reopening tomorrow, I wish them well, but don't think I'll be visiting for a bit yet, even though I'm pretty sure that Donna, mein host, will be going above and beyond what's required. I am lucky enough to have access to a really nice beer garden, handily located, and a bit cheaper.
Jul 2020
8:41pm, 14 Jul 2020
20,205 posts
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Hospitalet - where the airport is :-/
Jul 2020
8:44pm, 14 Jul 2020
2,049 posts
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Dave W
Sorry S, must have missed it.

So, it's not being led by science now. But economics.

I can sympathise with these decisions somewhat, but I do think that a lot of this is political posturing.

Oh, and it's another U-turn. As is the Huawei decision. Good job we've got our sovereignty back, otherwise people may think that they've bowed to pressure from the good old U S of A.

Are these lot credible in any way shape or form?
Jul 2020
8:45pm, 14 Jul 2020
3,237 posts
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Hospitalet is nearer the centre.
Airport is at El prat de Llobregat
Jul 2020
8:47pm, 14 Jul 2020
2,050 posts
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Dave W
Sorry, wrong thread. Strayed into Politics a bit (a lot).

My bad.
Jul 2020
8:55pm, 14 Jul 2020
535 posts
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Is that outbreak a rise in positive tests (as more tests done) or actually a rise in people getting ill - clearly two very different scenarios.

Are we forever more going to be locking people down until a vaccine which may or may not work is found so people feel ‘safe’ Welcome to mass unemployment, poverty, worldwide depression, suicide, mass unemployment. The treatment for CV19 is increasingly looking worse than the actual disease.
Jul 2020
8:58pm, 14 Jul 2020
18,460 posts
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Enjoyed that Dvorak
Jul 2020
10:32pm, 14 Jul 2020
2,699 posts
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Tim of Fife
Than must never be another generalised lockdown. It would be catastrophic

About This Thread

Maintained by DocM
There is a separate discussion thread for debating the grander scheme of things here: fetcheveryone.com/forum/coronavirus-discussion-thread-61609

Go there if you want to talk about whether it's real, whether the government are trying to control us, etc, etc.


information, discussion and support about the unfolding Covid-19 outbreak
NO politics please
And above all please be kind and respect others points of view and concerns.

microbiologists view byFlatlander
Science of coronavirus
coronavirus testing by Flatlander

information for ashtma sufferers

information for pregnancy

imperial article

Government advice gov.uk

advice for those with RA and autoinmmune diseases

diabetes advice

explaination of the maths of the growth of the epidemic

tips to help you cope

Advice to stay at home

planning for and what to do if you are ill
support for self isolates

Ft coronavirus tracker

A good article about dealing with the feelings of grief that the current situation has given us hbr.org

advice on self isolation for indivuals with symptoms or and their household

seven day rolling averages

A sustainable exit strategy document

susceptibility to covid by flatlander

bromage article

government guidelines 11th may for England(NI, Scotland and Wales linked at the bottom of article)

breathing practice

lancet articles

help with mask anxiety

video of droplet dispersal
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