Jun 2020
6:46pm, 25 Jun 2020
464 posts
I agree - protesting isn’t illegal - but neither is going to a beach! Although gatherings over 6 people are - once again - mucho contradictory advice!
Jun 2020
6:52pm, 25 Jun 2020
21,388 posts
TRO Saracen
Our local beaches are reporting busy, everyone being pretty successful in social distancing. I suspect this un-newsworthy scenario is far more common.
Jun 2020
9:11pm, 25 Jun 2020
1,649 posts
I would suggest that protesting against racism in society is of far greater importance than the morons who decided to head for the packed beaches just because they can't wait a while longer to wait for restrictions.
I notice there is a lack of fall in cases now. I wonder if there will be a further tightening of restrictions.
I dread Wales opening up in a couple of weeks if this is what we've got to look forward to. These type of morons are directly affecting us, especially when we've got several family members and friends who work within the NHS.
This just goes to show what a self centred society we have become.
Jun 2020
9:30pm, 25 Jun 2020
465 posts
Bonners - cases falling here - I read in local rag that no hospital admissions where I am for 10 days. Also read that no London CV19 deaths for 2 days.
Jun 2020
9:32pm, 25 Jun 2020
466 posts
Bonners - I’d respectfully disagree that rioting & looting was less socially acceptable than people sunbathing on a beach. Whatever the cause & however righteous now is not the time for mass protects or gatherings.
Jun 2020
9:32pm, 25 Jun 2020
467 posts
Protests not protects.
Jun 2020
9:32pm, 25 Jun 2020
16,781 posts
not falling here, Bedford is 5x worse than average - apparently.
Jun 2020
9:33pm, 25 Jun 2020
41,638 posts
Lip Gloss
I think the pictures from Bournemouth are absolutely shocking and yet again making a mockery of the NHS and what the country has been trying to achieve over the last 4 months - sadly some people see sunshine as more important than saving lives
Jun 2020
9:34pm, 25 Jun 2020
468 posts
I really don’t get why it’s moronic to visit a beach / it all strikes me as a bit of NIMBYism. Let’s all encourage everyone to shop but perish the thought they’d want to go out & get some fresh air. I personally don’t plan to vigil the shops or a crowded beach but I don’t think others are moronic for assessing the risk & coming to the decision that’s what they want to do on a sunny day.
Jun 2020
9:36pm, 25 Jun 2020
16,782 posts
I don't think that's what the thought process is LG - I think it's "I've got to go back to work soon, I've been cooped up for months, the sun is shining, sod it, we've earnt a day out" followed by "oh shit, everyone else is here too"