Contraception for ladies

31 watchers
Mar 2011
5:24pm, 16 Mar 2011
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I was origionally put on the pill because of heavy, painfull periods b-lass. With Cerezette I hardly get much of a period at all now.
Mar 2011
5:24pm, 16 Mar 2011
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lol xpost . I don't think the spot cream does much for heavy periods unfortunately
Mar 2011
5:25pm, 16 Mar 2011
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also on cerezette poots. not changed the periods at all. if anything i went from 2-3 shockingly heavy days to 4 or 5 :(
Mar 2011
5:28pm, 16 Mar 2011
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B-lass, what do you take for pain relief, and to reduce bleeding? I take a combination of (quite a bit of) mefenamic acid and tranexamic acid and top up with paracetamol. the first reduces bleeding a bit and is a painkiller, the second reduces bleeding some more and... you know what paracetamol does. :-p anyway, it's not perfect but it means I can more or less stand up straight and don't panic about leaking through things. (light headedness still there though)

srsly, if it's that bad go back to the doctor. magic words for me were 'flooding' and 'clots'. they still don't like giving me repeat scripts on this and in answer to the question 'what are you like without these drugs' I look horrified and say 'but i don't dare find out, it's bad enough with them'

if it's that bad it might need investigation. (it took me 9 years of consulting to get a diagnosis and surgical treatment so keep nagging xx)
Mar 2011
5:34pm, 16 Mar 2011
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i go through a super flow tampon in 20-30 mins for between 2 and 5 days! tis ridiculous. i fear going to sleep , set alarms throughout the night etc. at least its only super super super heavy for 2 days or so, the rest is just super heavy . im lucky enough that i can roughly switch my rota around at work when i know im due so when im on i just try and sleep and lay down with hot water bottle etc. i try not to take pain killers and just save them for the occassional really bad migraine. never been a fan of taking pain killers.

will try flooding and clots!
Mar 2011
5:36pm, 16 Mar 2011
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get to the doc's and ask for something on prescription. srsly, there are things that can reduce that amount of bleeding.

I agree about not taking painkillers for every little twinge, but if you know the cause of the pain and know it is only for a couple of days, then why not take something? it isn't perfect and won't work miracles, but if it can help a bit?
Mar 2011
5:45pm, 16 Mar 2011
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spose. just always tried to not take them and am so used to not taking them and dealing without .

scary how used to it ive got i suppose? i have a routine every month on how i deal with it lol

i will book another appointment n try a diff doc. my doctor is the same doctor who after looking at a 6 week food and exercise diary said that she was stumped on how to help me with weight , but despite having the diary infront of her still told me it was down to the foood i was eating when she knew damn well , as it was infront of her, that it wasnt. and when i last time went about periods i was told that all woman struggle each month and have done for generations. some more than others but unfortunately there wasnt much they could do for me.... u might now understand why i try to avoid going to the doctors for anything! muppet
Mar 2011
5:58pm, 16 Mar 2011
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Ask for some tranxemic acid (not sure if I spelt right) B-Lass. I had really heavy periods. My husband said it was living in an abattoir (what a way with words :-( ) and I got anaemic with it. The tranxemic acid slowed it all down. I literally spent most of the 12 days (yes, 12 days) cleaning up. Work became difficult even - I couldn't deal with the flooding issues in the middle of lessons with no teaching assistant around.

I eventually walked into the GP and said I'd had enough. My son was asking questions about the mess, despite my best efforts. They found a fibroid and gave me the mirena. After a while it came good and I have literally regained my life.

They recently gave my sister one. She hasn't had a child but she had the same issues as me.
Mar 2011
6:32pm, 16 Mar 2011
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I used to be like you BL...and my cycle would be between 21 and 75 days - but I had no idea when it would turn up (would have to 'pad' up every day just in case :-() I'm on the Mirena coil and cannot recommend it highly enough (I am predisposed to migraines and there is a history of stroke and TIA in my family).
Mar 2011
6:39pm, 16 Mar 2011
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Seeee hourglass, there is a history of TIA in my family too (my Mum), and that crappy first doctor I went to see dismissed me completly when I told him that like I was a silly little girl.

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Maintained by Miss Piggy Wiggy
I went to my quacks today to get a repeat perscription of my pill.

He amongst the other doctors i...

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