Club Captain and Vice Captains - ideas
5 watchers
Sep 2022
3:18pm, 8 Sep 2022
279 posts
Hi all, Just looking idea's away from the norm for Captains / Vice Captains to bring to a running club. We all know the general stuff they usually do, like welcome new members and I know not all clubs are the same. For example some have social secretaries and some leave that to the captains. What I am after are good idea's I can borrow from any club ![]() Things I know are good ideas but quite "normal": Club BBQ's Race Trips Relay Events Encouraging participation at X Country Leagues New runner initiatives What other ideas are out there? Are Mob Matches a good idea, they seem to be a 'down south' thing (I am from the North)? What about film nights (from maybe YouTube) made by the great and good of running? What works, what doesn't and everything inbetween ![]() I know clubs can be very different, what works for one may not work for another.....but can we share ideas? |
Sep 2022
3:46pm, 8 Sep 2022
18,889 posts
My second claim club has captains for the different disciplines / leagues. Nothing significant (though I suspect they coordinate entries to the leagues) but it means that if you turn up at the road running league races the club "head honcho" will be there, even if the overall club captain (chair in our case) doesn't run those races. Nothing social though!
Sep 2022
4:26pm, 8 Sep 2022
133 posts
olde english
yep eventually settled on splitting the job between 2 disciplines of leagues (road and XC) and a bit much to expect 1 person to be ever present/on top of the races across everything. Always took the job as wholly to focus on getting people taking part...'encourage' every mobile member of the club to take part in the leagues and club champs and challenges. club champs eg handicap league (WAVA scores best 3 scores across statute rd distances so your best 3 scores summed from 1m, 5k,5m,10k, half etc etc. Can also do the same across fell races with a bit of tinkering ) Beer Mile!!! Vertical Beer Mile! (400m reps up a big hill) Dream mile (track mile) Dread mile (1 mile up hill horror) Pub runs (run to the back) Sessions Rota . If you dont already do some structured sessions, create a shared rota so everybody takes a turn in organizing a session once a week, once a month, whatever suits.Gets people involved and makes it interesting. Handicap Race...easiest over 5k .(slowest starts 1st , then 2nd slowest etc , aim is everybody is crashing over the line together) Pairs Race.. slowest person paired with fastest, 2nd slowest with 2nd fastest etc. Loop course 1 heads off clockwise other anticlockwise, when they meet they hand over a baton turnback round. 1st complete team back wins. etc ![]() |
Sep 2022
5:12pm, 8 Sep 2022
43,776 posts
We have a separate Cross Country captain, because it needed a bit of consistency and cajoling. We do Mob Matches with local clubs (well, we've done one!) (Scotland, so def not down south!) My second claim club did midweek "info nights" with a visiting speaker and things. Not sure if they really took off. Some quite good ones though. We have some well established club races for club funds which is good. Our inside club only events include a handicap, relay events etc. Again, there are also some well established local races that we tend to get good participation in. We have 3 club champs now - on road, off road and virtual (that started in lockdown but proved popular. We set courses but you can do them on your own or in groups, and submit your time - honesty!) The champs races get good attendance and nice to see photos with club colours etc. Usual 3 x training days - intervals, social and tempo/time trial type things. We don't do our Sunday long runs so much any more. People seem busy at weekends. And Junior parkrun took a lot away on Sunday mornings. Best of luck. ![]() |
Sep 2022
5:35pm, 8 Sep 2022
34,659 posts
Ocelot Spleens
Couch25k. For new members. Admittedly this got quite a handful when we did 2 or 3 a year. Also we started a graduate from c25k group as we found the people finishing c25k disappeared. So you might need extra people for that but but keeps newbies coming in and then stating. Slight difference from HappyG, Time Trial, fastest and WAVA based...but all this is veering into what the club does as a whole rather than the captain who is an example setter and cajoler in chief..... |
Sep 2022
9:34am, 9 Sep 2022
280 posts
Thanks for all the comments above. Much of that the club do, quite reassuring in lots of ways, just looking for the odd golden nugget. Like the looped course idea, with the slowest and fastest....that could be a special run sometime... Different captains for different disciplines is interesting. We have a captain and track captain (male and female). We do little on the track mind, but we do lots of XC. Maybe that's a thought, but not quite in line with what I had in mind, but still! midweek "info nights" - interesting it your not sure they took off, so I assume they didn't. Wonder if a once a month curry mixed with 'info' night would work. A speaker or youtube/film etc. Things to ponder. Thank you and any more....keep them coming.... ![]() |
Sep 2022
8:50pm, 10 Sep 2022
1,689 posts
Club championships? Even from just a few local clubs, I've seen a few different versions of this, so might depend on what type of club you are. And from experience the quality of competition can hugely depend on the size of the club. And as well as internal competition, a good knock-on effect is it can improve the quality of the club if there are external competitions and prizes, etc, on offer too. |
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