May 2020
4:42pm, 12 May 2020
6,251 posts
Just on a conference call and a colleague has just said "we may as well put a finger in a dyke" - have you got the phone number for that chatbot?
May 2020
6:44pm, 12 May 2020
1,591 posts
Oscar the Grouch
Oh my. Diversity police will be in a quandry
May 2020
12:50pm, 15 May 2020
1,593 posts
Oscar the Grouch
Next Monday as a starter for Mental Health Awareness week...
A Guide to Understanding the Importance of Mental Health Awareness Week.
May 2020
1:07pm, 15 May 2020
2,000 posts
[Seems to be a bit of a theme, we had this yesterday. Not at all passive-aggressive.]
REMINDER - PLS SIGN UP BY 15 MAY >> FW: Mental Health Awareness Week Events Programme: 18 - 22 May 2020
If you haven’t already signed up to any of the Mental Health Awareness Week events, please can you do so by the tomorrow, 15 May 2020.
May 2020
1:39pm, 15 May 2020
1,594 posts
Oscar the Grouch
Not at all... you WILL be well!
May 2020
1:53pm, 15 May 2020
3,287 posts
Dear all
I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
At this difficult time, now more than ever, hospitals are in great need of blood donations and as a company, we would like to encourage our staff to get involved in this very important cause.
The poster attached shows the nearest donation centres in and around <our site>. You will also see the website address where you can find out more about the sessions and register to donate -
As a thank you, <company> would like to support all staff attending sessions by allowing an extra hour (on top of the one hour needed for the donation) so that you can rest afterwards. This allowance is for a maximum of 2 sessions per year.
This is part of the ‘Building <company> together’ action plan so we hope you will join us in this initiative. If you are interested and would like more information, please contact me . Once you have booked a session with, you will be able to book the hours in <time booking system> by using an allocated code which will be assigned to you closer to the time.
Kind regards
May 2020
5:02pm, 15 May 2020
11,711 posts
[that is quite nice actually TR]
May 2020
6:01pm, 15 May 2020
3,288 posts
[Yes - over the last year or so they do seem to be making an effort to be a bit more "human" about things]
May 2020
1:53pm, 18 May 2020
13,659 posts
Yorkshire Pie
I understand that many are getting frustrated by the continued use of ### email groups, and of notifications from ### systems which are no longer relevant.
I wanted to offer some reassurance that we are aware of the issue and are actively working on it. As I’m sure you can appreciate unpicking all the email groups, notifications and reports that have built up over several years is no small task. As the volume teams are still relying on some of those groups, notifications and report’s we can’t just turn them all off. Instead we’re having to manually pick through them all and adjust as appropriate, and there’s literally thousands of items to go through.
Over the past few days we’ve made some good progress and will continue to make progress in the coming days and weeks. In the mean time please can I ask you to temporarily stop raising these issues with the IT service desk. As this email group is one of the groups that is due to be unpicked I will not be able to update you once the work has been completed, so suggest that if you’re still receiving unnecessary ### emails in June then you raise them with the IT service desk at that point.
Thank-you for your patience
May 2020
1:56pm, 18 May 2020
11,750 posts
[I find the best way to deal with these issues is to reply-all with "please remove me from this group"]