Oct 2017
3:49pm, 19 Oct 2017
13,259 posts
So, I made myself a New Year's resolution to learn to skip like a boxer, half heartedly made a few attempts in January and then gave up. Have watched the odd video etc. I can do the little skippy steps at the right tempo right up until I start to bring the arms/rope into the equation, then I revert to playground skipping - any advice? I'm such a dunce!
Oct 2017
10:04pm, 19 Oct 2017
37,849 posts
Fierce and Fearless Fleecy
I have no idea, but bumping in case someone else does Could you slow down the tempo whilst introducing the arms?
Oct 2017
10:46pm, 19 Oct 2017
10,104 posts
I have no idea either but following on F&FF theme how about trying initially without the rope?
Oct 2017
10:49pm, 19 Oct 2017
10,836 posts
I've trained at a few boxing gyms and never mastered even the basics of skipping. I would love to learn properly, so I'll keep en eye on the thread! I have a nice rope in the garage...
Oct 2017
9:45am, 20 Oct 2017
13,260 posts
Hello - glad to hear that someone else is as hopeless as me! I've tried with the rope doubled over and held in one hand at the side and I can manage to swing it round in time with my steps that way but as soon as I go two handed I look like an idiot and my tempo changes to playground skipping - you know the one where one foot kind of goes in front and one kicks up behind. muppetry.
Oct 2017
9:52am, 20 Oct 2017
12,097 posts
One tip is to keep the jumps small, light and quick - stay on the balls of your feet, don't put your heels down. As D2 suggests try it without a rope at first. Keep your elbows bent too!
And when you reintroduce a rope make sure it's the the right length for you. Too short (unlikely) and you have to move too quick, too long and the swings are too slow.
Oct 2017
9:57am, 20 Oct 2017
15,587 posts
Atonal Miserabilist (AFKA TRO)
Oddly this became all the rage amongst the 'roid boys at our gym for a while.
Instead of lifting weights, it would be skipping. They followed the same routine though - one works while the other one/two gaze on admiringly, then they swap around. Whilst understandable having your two mates standing by to help when you push a titanic free weight for 3 reps before failure, it looks very odd when you are skipping.
Their endurance was terrible and they were only interested in doing the moves, rather than rhythm/endurance, and they've long since gone back to gurning and pushing free weights.
Oct 2017
10:02am, 20 Oct 2017
12,098 posts
On the other hand there's a big bloke at my gym who skips like a Buffalo Gal (ie BRILLIANTLY) . He probably is a boxer.
And FWIW mulbs - what an admirable resolution. Skipping is an excellent form of exercise - and the plyometric (jumping) element is something all us - ahem - slightly older ladies need! xxx
Oct 2017
10:05am, 20 Oct 2017
7,315 posts
Youngest GordonG (very) briefly took up youth boxing/training earlier this year. The start of each session was always 15 mins of skipping as it toned up so many muscles and was great for endurance.
The consensus was that it takes lots and lots of practice to get it right. I saw one youtube video where the guy skipped for one hour per day, every day for two weeks just to learn to skip properly.
Much harder than it looks but well worth it.
Oct 2017
10:45am, 20 Oct 2017
13,261 posts
AM that's where I've gone wrong - no one looking on admirably!
I think I need a new rope - it'll solve all my problems