Apr 2014
12:01pm, 3 Apr 2014
2,227 posts
Sweaty Frank
You have it right, PC. Typically, I would increase the speed going down the ladder. In fact, I did that but only slightly, running the 800s in 3:03-3:05,and the 200s in 40-43. The fact that it was my first workout at the track in this training cycle made me a bit more conservative. Plus, I ran the recoveries faster after the 600 and 400.
Weather is MUCH BETTER, thanks. We've stayed above 0 C for nearly a week. Starting to feel like Spring! I am traveling for business this week, so even better weather than in Cleveland.
Apr 2014
9:23pm, 12 Apr 2014
2,228 posts
Sweaty Frank
What are your travel plans? I'll be in Connecticut on business this week, just an hour and a half from Boston, but I'll be flying back to Cleveland, then getting back on a plane with my wife and flying to Boston on Saturday morning.
Apr 2014
9:35pm, 12 Apr 2014
5,536 posts
Should be arriving on Friday evening care of Virgin Atlantic.
Apr 2014
9:54pm, 12 Apr 2014
2,229 posts
Sweaty Frank
Safe travels, becca. Anyone doing the Sam Adams brewery tour? My wife and I have a reservation on Wednesday morning at 10:20.
Apr 2014
4:25pm, 15 Apr 2014
2,231 posts
Sweaty Frank
<<crickets chirping>>
Apr 2014
6:45pm, 15 Apr 2014
1,419 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
Busy last minute trip planning!
Apr 2014
9:30pm, 15 Apr 2014
3,516 posts
Any one free for beer on the Monday evening? Else I'll be having my first alcohol of 2014 alone!
Also, is there a way to link my race progress to Facebook? For London last weekend my friends progress at start line, half way and finish got posted automagically.
Apr 2014
4:18am, 19 Apr 2014
77 posts
I'll be having my first beer after the race too. I'll be with the family but meeting a fellow marathoner once he's picked the venue. Once chosen I'll post it up. The more the merrier. Good luck to all the runners. Boston is awash with them.
Apr 2014
9:54am, 19 Apr 2014
5,541 posts
I have arrived in Boston. No beer for me, free or otherwise but I hope it will be nice, in particular after the abstinence. Heading to pick up numbers later today.
Apr 2014
7:19pm, 19 Apr 2014
3,517 posts
I went for a slow 5 this morning to test out the hamstring strain I've been resting for 2 weeks and a couple of miles in it pinged again. A very sore 3 miles back.
It's uncomfortable to walk right now. I know the sensible thing is to bail and not attempt the run, but as I managed a few miles in pain today workout it deteriorating I'll start and see how it goes.
Not good