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700 miles in 2020

69 watchers
May 2020
10:24am, 24 May 2020
11,249 posts
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Morning. Off to do club virtual 5 miler.
May 2020
12:16pm, 24 May 2020
30,263 posts
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Morning, oops no, *afternoon* everyone. Dog walked, met a friend who has always been a long-distance off-road runner, and she was off to Winchcombe ('Only 15 miles or so' she said, glossing over the fact that there will be lots and lots of ups and downs in those 15 miles :-) ). Good to see her though our chat underlined how lucky OH and I are in this lockdown: her husband is facing redundancy, in his mid 50's, and has only been with this employer for about 18 months so any package is going to be minimal; and she is a Primary school teacher with a notoriously poor Head who is at the opposite end of the spectrum in organisation, staff management, you name it, to our own wonderful GimmeMedals. As she said, the 15 miles of lovely countryside she was heading for was about the only thing keeping her sane at the moment :-(
May 2020
12:44pm, 24 May 2020
941 posts
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Afternoon all. Rest day here today, junk modelling with the turtle who's also painted her feet blue for the day. And repotted some tomatoes and pepper seedlings.

Happy to be lazy! As long as the wind drops we're taking the kayak on the river tomorrow (british canoe union says it's Ok again now) which will be a nice change. Hope you're all having a lovely day, as restful or otherwise as you intend!
May 2020
1:37pm, 24 May 2020
4,435 posts
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Thank you, you too, TM. Canoeists here having a great time, the sea is interesting rather than dangerous currently, here.

& that’s sad to read, LD, i know we’re lucky in this household, despite the weirdness. Fingers are crossed for the husband. I’m back from a shortish ride to an industrial estate followed by a seafront dawdle, with time to look for wild flowers in the verge when not avoiding the increased number of cycling children :-) I do have a vile feeling of marking time instead of making the most of it or being useful.
May 2020
1:38pm, 24 May 2020
4,436 posts
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Sorry, Kayak in your case. I’m off to look them up :-)
May 2020
2:29pm, 24 May 2020
9,322 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
Hello, Cheely Senior!

I had considered a slow bike ride today as my legs need a rest but then I fell down the stairs, stopping only on impact with the door at the bottom. My arm is raging but only has the tiniest of bruises. There's no real damage and I can't understand how it can hurt so much. I was naseous with pain for over an hour. Patacetamol has helped a bit but now I'm just bored. I don't know what to do on days off if I don't exercise!
May 2020
2:29pm, 24 May 2020
9,323 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
*Cheeky senior*
May 2020
2:29pm, 24 May 2020
11,250 posts
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I did my club 5 mile race. My recent 5K time gave me a predicted 40:20 or so for the 5 miles but I know I've not done any speedwork over 5K so I aimed for 41 minutes. Was blowing out of my arse by the end and couldn't hang onto my pace but got 41:02 so I'm very happy :-)
May 2020
2:32pm, 24 May 2020
17,807 posts
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Well done Som
Oh no ITG. It is your arm not your back though?
May 2020
2:33pm, 24 May 2020
4,547 posts
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Flipping heck ITG that sounds painful. Hope it subsides soon.

Welcome cheeky :)

I did 7 miles which were a slog. Planned on doing more but felt like I was running through treacle. Just no energy this morning.

About This Thread

Maintained by Serendippily
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2020 thread, everybody welcome. The thread motto is:
'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

At normal times: All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles. Extra points for bins :-) And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed, sometimes even running.

Group link is here:

Mileage league for 700 here fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700 Personal league tables and a link to set or amend run, swim, walk and cycle targets here:

If you do reach 700 miles before the end of the year, please reset your targets, so others can keep moving up the table :-)

Send an fmail to Serendippily if you want any races highlighted here and we will all cheer you on:

Dubious December
06/12/20 The Run that Stole Christmas (marathon) - Groundhog
06/12/20 Mapledurham 10 - CStar DD2 (and pacer :-) )
06/12/20 Tri-Adventure - LizzieW, Dipps

Next year:
03/01/21 Tri-Adventure - Fleecy, FM, CStar and DD2, McGoohan, Liebling, LizzieW tbc
31/01/21 Hurtleberry 10k - McGoohan, Dipps tbc

bunting Hall of Fame bunting

Joyous January
04/01/20 parkrun - Molesy medal course pb, Knitwit medal pb, KimCanRun medal pb
18/01/20 parkrun - Peregrin medal pb, ITG medal WAVA pb, 1st lady
18/01/20 Tyndrum 24 - Yumee medal pb
19/01/20 Benfleet 15 - Carpathius medal pb
25/01/20 parkrun - Yumee medal pb, LindsD medal 1st age cat, Billy medal pb - 12barDavid

Fabulous February
08/02/20 XCR - TeeBee medal club WAVA pb
22/02/20 parkrun - ITG medal 1st Female
23/02/20 Tarpley 20 - Carpathius medal pb
26/02/20 1000m TT swim - Sweetie medal pb
29/02/20 Florence parkrun - LazyDaisy medal 1st age cat

Marvellous March
01/03/20 The Vitality Big Half - Pothunter medal pb
08/03/20 Surrey Half - Peregrinator medal pb
08/03/20 Larmer 20 - Fragile Do Not Bend medal pb
15/03/20 Liverpool 10 - AutumnLeaves medal 1st age cat

Awful April
Miserable May

Just Disappointing June
17/06/20 virtual 5 mile - LG medal pb

Joyless July
15/07/20 Lip Gloss training run 5 mile medal pb
19/07/20 Tri-Adventure Run McGoobling medal 2nd and medal 3rd place

Anxious August
06/08/20 Dinton Summer series - RRR-Caz medal 1st Senior

Slightly Shit September
05/09/20 Coniston Chillswim - Helegant medal pb
05/09/20 Marathon Prep Dorney lake 20 - RRR-Caz medal unofficial pb

Optimistic October
24/10/20 Sussex Endurancelife marathon - Badger medal 3rd in Age Cat
25/10/20 Woodley 10k - RRR-Caz, Raggedy Runner medal 3rd in Age Cat

Frequently Found here
bunting = * bunting * without spaces. Knitted furiously and strewn about thread.
appleapple = * apple * * apple * without spaces. Pompoms (Fr)
Morning / Mooring / Mornage etc = estimated 70% thread conversation.
“A dogs bumhole of a day” = a glorious day
The injury bench *plumps cushions and rattles drugs trolley*. Happens to the best of us at some point :-(
The umbrage. Mostly left ironed and neatly folded.
Sharktopus = Bint’s fierce pet, set loose on anyone foolish enough to be hanging about when they could be out running google.com
  • Show full description...

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