Dec 2016
8:12pm, 11 Dec 2016
7,987 posts
what Som said
laptop playing up, struggling to keep up
and ((())) to all
Dec 2016
8:16pm, 11 Dec 2016
10,697 posts
FML on the shelf
Hello Peeps
Been away at weekend, so didn't have chance to catch up
Finished Tuesday run sore behind left knee. ran Friday which was ok, not brilliant but ok. When I finished I couldn't get upstair. Left ITB had completely tightened. Horrible, not had it this bad since VLM 2012. So a been rolling it and ice, sports massage booked for tuesday
Dec 2016
8:34pm, 11 Dec 2016
1,006 posts
 LD Andy 700 AL 1200 AR PB
Out on the today 38 miles with a mate I have not ridden with for more than 13 years
Dec 2016
8:38pm, 11 Dec 2016
1,148 posts
FML - thoroughly recommend acupuncture if you can find someone to do it, a needle in my piriformis cured instantly the ITB I'd struggled with for 3 years!
Dec 2016
9:15pm, 11 Dec 2016
10,866 posts
alpenrose PB
I'm hoping it's not the start of Achilles tendinitis. Both calves were so tight when I set off this morning that it was really painful to run on - so much so that I thought I would have to pull out. Told myself that if I got to 5 miles and it was still as painful then I'd quit. As it happened, the calves were easing off by 5 miles and by 6 the calf pain had all but gone. The Achilles only really hurts when I press one certain spot at the back, it's OK running on.
Dec 2016
9:22pm, 11 Dec 2016
5,105 posts
Pompey Paul
Nice one AR , have a 700er >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dec 2016
9:30pm, 11 Dec 2016
22,614 posts
Thanks for all the bunting folks and the over there >>> PP, although our reward today was a Christmas pudding. Nice to finish the year as I started with a 10k PB.
There's been some great running on here today, I think the weather may have had something to do with it.
Carp, that sounds a bit pants, I should get yourself booked in for a good sports massage asap before it gets any worse.
Dec 2016
9:39pm, 11 Dec 2016
27,523 posts
Agree with AR carp, don't take any risks with your achilles, I was out for minths with mine, catch it before it gets worse.
Dec 2016
9:48pm, 11 Dec 2016
826 posts
I third that Carp and get the foam roller on the calves. Had to look up itb FML - tennis ball appears to be more favoured for that. (())
Dec 2016
10:11pm, 11 Dec 2016
2,061 posts
I fourth that. Achilles issues aren't good. Rest it too.
Hope your ITB settles FML. Good time to rest.