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700 Miles in 2016

2 lurkers | 74 watchers
Jan 2016
10:03pm, 18 Jan 2016
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Well done mac. Well done carp and linds - nice fish stuff.

I did a really good session on the punchbag but then I inhaled two muffins. Damn you asda. Every Monday is the same. I can't resist cake. :-) Ah well, I kind of have a balanced lifestyle of exercise and cake. I'm off to bed as up early for a run. Hope it's not too icy......
Jan 2016
10:03pm, 18 Jan 2016
7,784 posts
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Well that was fun - I have pruned that list right down :)
Jan 2016
10:05pm, 18 Jan 2016
13,036 posts
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So glad my circuits tonight have helped others :-)
Jan 2016
10:10pm, 18 Jan 2016
1,470 posts
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A question for those of you who swim. Do you follow a programme? Or just swim till you're tired? My gym pool is a tiny 15m. I started at 20 lengths and am increasing by 2 lengths per week. But I've no idea if that's any use.
Jan 2016
10:14pm, 18 Jan 2016
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I only have a limited time, and am trying to a. hit my (conservative) target for the year, which requires me to swim fairly fast every week, and b. improve my front crawl stroke. There's a lot of help on the 'how was your swim today?' thread - have a look.
Jan 2016
10:17pm, 18 Jan 2016
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My swimming is just by way of cross-training; I have no great ambitions. I swim 30 lengths, which usually takes me about 30 - 35 minutes, depending on how many other people are in the pool needing to be dodged around. When I started I was only doing 20 lengths, have increased gradually as my swimming became a bit more efficient, but don't expect to increase any more.
Jan 2016
10:23pm, 18 Jan 2016
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Fleecing Well Muddy
It depends what your swimming aims are, mac. Mine are usually to sneak some lengths in in the time available. There was a time when I was aiming at 100 lengths, I got to 90 but the lifeguards kicked me out and shut the pool. I never reached those dizzy heights yet (I'm a slow, shit swimmer, so there's probably not a session long enough for me to do 100 lengths anyway :))
Jan 2016
10:24pm, 18 Jan 2016
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I just swim until Mr Carp arrives and then stop at the next round number. I can only swim breast stroke (stop sniggering at the back) so it's not particularly tiring.
Jan 2016
10:26pm, 18 Jan 2016
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I don't follow a programme but I do a sort of fartlek session usually - every so often I'll throw in a length where I really try to swim fast; otherwise I'll try to do the odd length of breathing every 5 strokes instead of three, or things like that. I would like to do some lengths using a pull-buoy but I feel a bit self conscious about that because I'm often one of the slowest swimmers in the medium lane (and the slow lane occupants really are slow and would interrupt my rhythm.)
Jan 2016
10:38pm, 18 Jan 2016
1,472 posts
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Thank you all. I didn't realise there was a swim thread. Will have a nosey. Aims of swimming ???? Well, The pool is part of my membership so I want to use it and I'm actually starting to remember that I quite like swimming, even if I'm slow and lumbering. This is the year of mixing up my training. I've even done a few Pilates classes and am considering trying a boxing class at the weekend.

About This Thread

Maintained by iRan
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2016 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

bunting and 700er medals are often spotted around here.

Happy running :-)

700 miles league table is here: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700

If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2016, send an fmail to Pompey Paul and they will appear here:

700 miles in 2016 - TARGET Races:

2017 Target races can be entered here:


Group link is here:

Here is the 2017 thread:
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