Apr 2017
11:40am, 9 Apr 2017
11,795 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Morning, first run of the year in just vest and shorts. Ten miles banked at bang on 8:45 minute/mile pace average although the run itself was progressive.
Apr 2017
12:06pm, 9 Apr 2017
31,374 posts
Good luck to any racers out there today.
I just did 12 miles out and back along the Soar Valley. The sun was shining and all is well with the world.
Apr 2017
3:46pm, 9 Apr 2017
1,502 posts
Hope everyone's races have gone well today.
I ran 10 miles early this morning, then OH and I went out for a lovely country walk in the glorious sunshine. My feet are a bit tired now. Walking is much harder work than running.
Yesterday's thrice-posted veggie burgers didn't turn out too well - nice flavour, but texture all wrong, they wouldn't stay in shape as burgers and fell apart in the pan.
Apr 2017
4:31pm, 9 Apr 2017
25,394 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Mine didn't go too well, White Horse half, the heat really got to me I am afraid, it was never going to be a good run post chest infection but to struggle from 6 miles and resort to run/walk is shameful for me
Apr 2017
4:33pm, 9 Apr 2017
13,831 posts
Doc Moye
dont be too hard on yourself Mrs Jigs.....if you struggled that much then perhaps you underestimated how much the chest infection took out of you.
Apr 2017
4:42pm, 9 Apr 2017
1,503 posts
Sorry it didn't go so well for you today, Mrs J - it was very hot out there, and it can take a surprising time to get over illness properly. Onwards and upwards, the next one will be better!
Apr 2017
4:47pm, 9 Apr 2017
25,395 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Thanks Doc, I know I was nowhere near 100% but I should have been able to at least keep a slow run going.
Apr 2017
5:28pm, 9 Apr 2017
1,695 posts
Sorry to hear it didn't go to plan Mrs J, but as Doc and JK have said, having a chest infection can really take it out of you and can take longer to recover from than you think, combine that with the heat too it can't have been easy. Take it easy, and I'm sure your next race will be better.
Apr 2017
5:39pm, 9 Apr 2017
25,396 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
You are all so kind, I do appreciate your comments
Apr 2017
6:26pm, 9 Apr 2017
5,203 posts
The heat today was ridiculous and with an illness. Move on to the next one Mrs J.