May 2024
5:19pm, 28 May 2024
22,429 posts
and well done on avoiding the rain today hs
May 2024
8:34pm, 28 May 2024
15,174 posts
GG, we used to have 4 Banks in the village, but don't have any now.
Thanks, it started raining this afternoon and hasn't stopped.
May 2024
9:26pm, 28 May 2024
22,436 posts
Ours are rapidly declining now too it’s a sorry old state. Japan are very cash focused as it keeps the economy going. I admit I’m terrible at using cards (not helped by the time I took cash on a day out and was pick pocketed) but so many shops now are preferring card payments.
Went out for a walk tonight I’ve got a bit of tightness in my left knee maybe coming from quad so might postpone tomorrow’s interval session and settle it down.
May 2024
9:04am, 29 May 2024
6,909 posts
Ugh to having. A cold Lesley and hope it's already getting better. Good usual Farmer's Walk hs which is a perfect routine. Summer type weather arrived in June last year gg! I rarely use cash and haven't used a physical bank in over a year. Luckily my bank remains open but the number of customers doesn't really merit the size of the premises now. Had my consultation with the COVID specialist. The consultation really only served to reiterate what she had written to me about and that my autonomic nervous system has been adversely affected by the COVID infections I've had . Interesting to note that the stress test showed my heart rate was much higher than would normally be expected as soon as the gradient on the exercise machine began to increase and (as I already knew!) failed to level out or stabilise. No danger in exercising or running but my performance will remain compromised until my body gets over it or....which I hope... responds to the six week initial trial of appropriate medication. It doesn't guarantee a "fix" but it'll be an interesting experiment. Trouble is that the after effects of COVID resulting in long covid are still in relatively new areas of research. Four miles along some roads and trails in early morning sunshine was ok and to heck with the pace! I enjoyed it .
May 2024
9:15am, 29 May 2024
22,444 posts
That last sentence is really what running is about unless you’re actively competing (IMHO)
So not much new news but hopefully the medication helps you Steve.
I recall June being moderately ok then it was a wash out from July. Here’s hoping we get some nice weather. Well done on the 4m. I’m doing a double run today, couple at lunch to go to the bank then out with friend after work before meeting brother and sister in law for food.
May 2024
11:39am, 29 May 2024
15,175 posts
Thanks Steve, the twice weekly Farmers Walk must have been part of my routine for at least 2 years.
It's good to hear that there is no danger for you in exercising or running, and hopefully the new medication will help your recovery from long Covid. One of my running friends that I had lunch with a couple of weeks ago is still suffering from it, but gradually trying to do short run/walks.
Well done for this mornings 4 miles which you enjoyed.
Enjoy your double run today GG, and your meet up later for food.
This morning was 6 double hill reps with walk backs, with two running friends. It was on roads, as the forest is still wet and boggy.
May 2024
11:42am, 29 May 2024
11,887 posts
Fenland Flier
Fingers crossed for some improvement Steve and I'm pleased you enjoyed your run this morning. I hope you enjoy your double run day GG. 12 for me this morning including some off road sections, farm tracks, grass paths and overgrown grass tracks.
May 2024
1:01pm, 29 May 2024
3,853 posts
Lesley C
COVID has been such a nasty bug to so many people. Hopefully you see some improvement Steve and the medication will help too. COVID is a relatively new condition and yes agree that the it is a relatively new area of research.
Running and walking is keeping you guys young, I really hope that when I'm in my 70's I'm still at it too.
We are down to one bank in the town I live in, there is a mobile one that also comes once a week. Card/phone payments are just too easy to do.
Good running from you all!
I am feeling much better, being off work has helped I think. I haven't sat down much though. Will try a run tomorrow morning I think.
May 2024
8:51am, 30 May 2024
6,912 posts
Splendid 12 miler FF, varying terrain is so much more enjoyable too . Six double hill reps is serious stuff hs, pity off road is still boggy and damp but reps on roads are more consistent aren't they? Glad your cold is on the wane and you're feeling better and hope you feel good enough to put a run in . Run/walk is ok but not what I expected after many years running although I'm grateful I can do that and still have my eyes on continual running again.... goodness knows when . If not then accepting the situation will have to do . Having said that my 4.1 outing this morning was the exact opposite to yesterday and it was hard putting in mere 20 second runs. I'm certain it will be better again tomorrow, that's not just "positive thinking" but the physical reality of how my efforts pan out.
May 2024
9:44am, 30 May 2024
11,897 posts
Fenland Flier
I hope you managed to get a run done Lesley.
Thanks Steve, the terrain was ok but the nettles and thistles weren't appreciated.