Feb 2021
8:57am, 7 Feb 2021
9,857 posts
Feb 2021
8:59am, 7 Feb 2021
9,858 posts
And yesterday at Marwick Head
Feb 2021
9:35am, 7 Feb 2021
4,384 posts
That's REAL winter up there! Dry at last down here but a chilling north east wind. No snow around here. RJF..I read that you burn 20% extra calories if running using trekking poles. Dunno how that equates to that fast walking you do but maybe it's a bonus when it comes to eating treats!
Feb 2021
11:45am, 7 Feb 2021
1,618 posts
No snow here just extremely windy. Rest day here.
Thank you for the welcome
Feb 2021
1:36pm, 7 Feb 2021
36 posts
A few flakes of snow in the wind but nothing sticking here - must be someone else's turn for snow today. Been out for a cold 10k in the chilly wind but felt good to get out watching folks looking cold walking about wondering how I can be warm in just training top and shorts
Feb 2021
3:41pm, 7 Feb 2021
6,089 posts
Nice snow pics. No snow here yet, but it is expected.
I'm feeling cheesed off as I didn't run today as had a slight twinge in my right hip yesterday afternoon. At my age I have to be cautious, but fully intend to run tomorrow, snow or no snow.
Feb 2021
3:52pm, 7 Feb 2021
13,325 posts
A brief read back and some great stuff going on... well done on the wave HS and too 10 Ev!!
I’ve been out almost to plan although the forecasted rain I split the long run into 2 runs clocked up 26m for the week which I’m rally chaffed with.
I joined a zoom session with Olympian Chris Johnson on Thursday and he talked about (among other things) add in hill reps on a run just if you see a hill run up and down a couple of times. Today I found 4 little hills and did them all twice nice and strong focus on form and I have to say I’m enjoying it, just mixes it up I guess.
Feb 2021
4:32pm, 7 Feb 2021
6,090 posts
Geordiegirl, my running club really believes in hill reps and hilly runs. They build up strength and endurance, which are really important, especially if intending to run marathons or ultras. We encourage an increase in pace at the top of a hill during hill reps, as this gives a great advantage in races. Many runners get to the top and then "relax," which is where our training gives us an advantage.
Feb 2021
9:36am, 8 Feb 2021
4,387 posts
Hope that hip twinge disappears hillstrider; my hip twinge that bugged me for a while disappeared when I re started wearing my Hokas! Probably a coincidence. All these hill running ideas are spot on; although I don't do them currently and might not again (!) my former regular runs incorporated beasts of hills and ultimately gave me that oomph! In racing years it might have given me an edge but being a non racer I can do without it for now. No snow here!
Feb 2021
12:49pm, 8 Feb 2021
6,091 posts
Thanks Steve, the hip was fine today, the rest day seems to have done the trick 😁
It was well below zero this morning with the wind chill, and we had snow during the run, but only light. I ran a very challenging 7.6 miles multi terrain with a running friend. There was mud, deep pools of water covered with thin ice which cracked when we ran over them, and the icy wind to contend with. We made up the course as we went along, which added to the "fun."