10 in 10 in 2011

1 lurker | 52 watchers
Jul 2010
7:39am, 14 Jul 2010
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Foxy Davy
not sure running experience is a big criteria, Fundraising ability & media marketability are probably more key, although might have given it more consideration with so many drop out for this years event ?
Jul 2010
8:01am, 14 Jul 2010
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eL Bee!
I suspect the criteria will include both.
At the moment it is only the 10 in 10 that actually raises money for Brathay. So they will want to be sure that the participants will have a good chance of completing it, AND not fall short of the sponsorship target.
They are unique in that they are a Charity who put on a Marathon (rather than piggy-backing someone else's), and the entry fee only just covers all the costs
Jul 2010
8:23am, 14 Jul 2010
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so no pressure at all then :-/
Jul 2010
8:27am, 14 Jul 2010
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Foxy Davy
they ultimatly have to run as a business & having recently spoke to some of the folks at Brathay finance is more key to gaining a place than ability.

They have approached a few celebrities offering places - a Cracknell,Fogle or Izzard would generate huge interest.
Jul 2010
8:35am, 14 Jul 2010
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Oh god not Fogle. I would kill myself :-/
Jul 2010
8:38am, 14 Jul 2010
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eL Bee!
Certainly, guaranteeing the sponsorship amount will be key. As it should be!
The reason the event exists is to raise money for Brathay's work.

That's not to say that running experience isn't being considered, because it is!
Jul 2010
8:51am, 14 Jul 2010
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Naomi P
Seconded, it's crucial that the 10 in 10 runners raise the funds and really disappointing for those who work really hard at fundraising to see some not take it very seriously, fail to meet the target and get away with it scot free.
Jul 2010
8:53am, 14 Jul 2010
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Morning All, just found the thread and thought I had better join in.
Some very useful tips given already and was already thinking about a t-shirt to promote my participation in this event and hopefuly gain some sponsorhip. I'm actually drawing up my own race campaign plan to get companies and organisations onboard.
Interesting debate re: entry selection. I have to say I was surprised that I was selected given that I have only run 5 marathons so far with another 3 planned before the TiT. I personally think that the individuals profile and potential for raising money may well have had the greater influence, I mean I have the advantage of being in the forces and did actually tell the selectors that I intend to raise money for H4H as well as I believe that this will draw in more sponsorhip from my side of the fence.
Jul 2010
8:57am, 14 Jul 2010
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It's tricky, isn't it? The event has to raise as much money as possible while pitching itself as a serious athletic event and not a sponsored walk.

There's one runner on whose behalf I really wish I could afford to guarantee the minimum sponsorship personally so that they could participate next year :(
Jul 2010
9:18am, 14 Jul 2010
200 posts
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did everyone from last year raise the full amount?

About This Thread

Maintained by Nightjar
The Brathay 10 marathons in 10 days challenge will take place on 13th to 22nd May 2011.


Who's doing it and where's their fundraising page? Look no further.

AJH - justgiving.com
Foxy Davy justgiving.com
lizogical - justgiving.com
Marcusuno - justgiving.com
Nightjar - justgiving.com
Runamok - uk.virginmoneygiving.com

You'll find blogs on the Brathay site for to keep up with the latest training news (often with no reference to running) please bookmark this if nothing else!


See you in May!

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