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Woodbank parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
  • Rated 73%
  • 5km
  • Mixed
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Manchester Tri
20:37 23:16 23:16 56.47

About this parkrun

Two laps on tarmac. One small hill per lap, 41m total elevation gain. Fairly small carpark.
Bramble 28th Dec 2018

Definitely one for the to do list, and as they have never cancelled you can always be sure it's on! The killer hill twice needs forewarning. Two and a half laps and road shoes preferable (unless they are running an ice avoiding alternative!)
twinny 28th Dec 2018

October 2009 - 2 laps all on tarmac with a steep hill. Start and Finish on an athletics track.
njosmith 10th Jan 2019

I’ve only done the ice avoidance ones so don’t actually know what the proper route is like! Very friendly though - do like this one.
jennywren 1st Jun 2019

Never cancelled 🏃‍♀️ 30/03/2019 number 500 :) NO LONGER THE CASE 😢
Route 1 2 laps with hill
Route 2 one lap through woods
Route 3 3 laps past rose garden
Route 4 3 laps triangle and reservoir
Route 5 5 laps triangle

All weathers and
snogard 4th Sep 2021

Plenty of space to get running, 2 laps with a short steep hill thrown in to be run up twice!
gcwenn 4th Sep 2021

Lovely parkrun on tarmac paths, short but steep hill to run up twice, start and finish on grassy area. Did number 610 for fibonacci challenge so double amount of people as usual but still not too crowded. Friendly volunteers and good facilities.
Mandyr 13th Oct 2022

2 laps and a bit on tarmac with a testy hill each lap. One small stretch of trail (125m) each lap, muddy when wet. The best of two contiguous parks. Road shoes OK.
Steve Shaughnessy 6th Apr 2024

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