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Women's Hydro Active - Birmingham 5k

Sun September 16 2007
Listed by EvilPixie
Entrants (12)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
#Mrs G#
Team Green, Tividale Trotters
30:03 35:00 35:00 40.22
22:03 24:23 24:23 57.01
CrazyLegs Yeah, finally got under 25 mins (just!!!) running down Broad Street after spending the evening before there felt slightly strange! Was really boxed in during the first km, why do people go to the front and then walk as soon as they have crossed the start line! Measured as spot on 5km on my garmin.
24:55 24:55 30:00 24:55 55.84
EvilPixie Struggling lately but hoping the buzz of this great races will pick me up, Grandma passed away this morning so I will be running for her
33:49 34:08 35:00 34:08 41.40
SE Fitness, Midland Masters A C
25:50 38:45 38:45 36.47
lynzi I am hoping for a  PB here my last 5k was in 29min 29secs.
I am runing this for Asthma uk. As i suffer from Asthma, I know i will find this race hard as it is in the morning, this is when i find my Asthma at its worst when running, that is why I usually enter races  in the evening. 
I will give it my best shot. UPDATE:

First like to say how very, very sorry for my time for anyone who betted on me. I new I would find this hard and new when doing the warm up I found it hard to breath. I feel like a failer and do not think I will run again, I know if it had been in the evening i would of done so much better, sorry guys.
29:29 29:29 25:00 33:14 43.42
Ness Had a great race despite the fact that I didn't quite get a pb. The atmosphere at the start was great. I managed to get down to the start line with plenty of time to warm up while the road was still empty. Started off smoothly. When I got to the 1st km marker I'd run it in 6 minutes 50 seconds. Way off pace. Picked up the pace after that but - not quite enough.
24:43 25:12 26:00 25:12 58.07
rug A great race! Really enjoyed myself and pleased with the time!
24:50 24:50 26:00 24:50 56.68
Lichfield RC
24:08 27:59 27:59 49.67
35:30 35:30 40:00 35:30 39.52
Velociraptor I SOOOOOOOO want a sub-22min 5k this year!  I managed a sub-22min 5k earlier than expected, at Rowheath, and think I can shave a chunk off that time on a flat course if I have a good day. And I shall probably take the trouble to taper a little bit for this one ...UPDATE Apologies to everyone who bet on me. I didn't taper properly and I didn't push myself anywhere close to vomiting-point. We got very strung-out at the front within less than a kilometre and after that I was never going to catch the person ahead and the person behind was never going to catch me so I slipped into running lazily and bantering with the spectators. Boglarka did a fantastic time for her first race and Evil Pixie ran a stonking PB. A nice event - I've promised my daughters that they can run it next year :o)
Cumberland AC
21:44 21:44 21:10 21:58 68.32
Wootton Road Runners
22:38 22:38 22:38 61.41

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