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Warwick Racecourse parkrun

Listed by Storey
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Spa Striders RC
20:12 23:00 26:52 48.90
West Australian Marathon Club, Masters Athletics WA
22:50 25:48 28:48 49.15

About this parkrun

Simple out and back that curves to fit inside the racetrack, mostly firm paths some mud, slightly undulating.
Kanajlo 26th Oct 2019

Out and back around racecourse on firm ground. Some areas near the start and finish collect water and can be muddy. A slight up and down before a sharp turning point. Quick course in good conditions
anyonebutmatt 7th Dec 2019

Firm paths, out and back. The out goes nearly a full circle around the racecourse and then back again. Fairly quick course.
Mr J 8th Dec 2019

Nice out and back with a small hill before the turnaround! Very friendly!
jelly 11th Jun 2022

out and back around the horse race circuit . They manage to find a slope
Gobi 27th Oct 2023

Lovely mostly flat out and back just one up and down a slope x 2 beautiful day for it. 2 hours free parking if you get there early enough. Toilets open before the run.
Looby Loo 11th Nov 2023

Interesting out'n'back along the inside track around the racecourse , nearly 90% of the way around before an about turn to retrace your steps . Mostly flat but for a little hump before the turnaround, Toilets & parking close to the start finish area.
wAckie Racer 30th Mar 2024

Narrow out & back course with a hill in the middle. compacted gravel trail rough underfoot in places. Only 0.3 miles from the nearest Wetherspoons
Foxy 27th Apr 2024

Out and back round the racecourse perimeter. Mostly flat with one hump, so reasonable chance of a PB. Free parking. Has toilets and cafe. Next to campsite.
Dillthedog 11th Aug 2024

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