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Sub 4 Stafford 20

Listed by noswad
Entrants (14)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Royal Sutton Coldfield AC
2:03:55 2:05:18 2:05:18 72.77
Stone Master Marathoners
2:02:01 2:02:12 2:04:53 77.11
JAnders Finished 7th.  Big PB. Knocked 2mins 14secs off!
Telford Harriers
2:01:53 2:01:53 2:01:53 75.01
Steve Ho
Manchester Tri
2:27:57 2:37:40 2:37:40 58.14
Telford Harriers
2:06:56 2:06:56 2:06:56 71.82
Congleton Harriers
2:24:56 2:24:56 2:24:56 75.78
Tuck in
Wrexham AAC
2:05:50 2:05:50 2:05:50 74.72
Sandbach Striders
2:22:02 2:22:02 2:22:02 66.70
cmcgui19 Training run for VLM - first 10 @ MP+1, 2nd 10 @ MP
2:54:33 2:54:33 2:54:33 52.23
Northern Veterans AC, Knowsley harriers
2:10:14 2:10:14 2:09:45 2:10:14 73.94
Simons Dad A really pleasing run and stayed strong to the end.
2:25:48 2:30:00 2:30:00 2:30:00 65.27
Trentham RC
2:19:04 2:26:13 2:34:00 2:26:13 64.79
Keegs Missed the start so lost 30 sec. But well happy with time
Midland Masters A C
2:33:15 2:36:30 2:42:00 2:36:30 68.26
Gavvers TOUGH!!! The hills are a killer and it's three laps of them
Wrexham AAC
2:45:35 2:45:35 2:45:00 2:45:35 55.78

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