Plymouth Half Marathon

  • Rated 77%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (22)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Running Postie Surprisingly enjoyable
Portsmouth Joggers Club
1:32:56 1:54:13 1:59:00 1:54:13 58.42
Launceston Road Runners
1:37:05 2:42:55 2:42:55 39.54
Wardie74 Still recovering from the Paris marathon a few weeks before and pregnant as well :(  Wanted a PB but not this time.
2:11:00 2:16:00 2:00:00 2:16:00 47.52
David Lloyd Portsmouth Run Club
1:48:46 1:54:30 1:54:30 68.58
Chippenham Harriers
1:37:06 1:45:47 1:55:00 1:55:32 51.75
skoorb Only trained up to 7 miles, pleased with result as was after sub 1.30
Tavistock AC
1:22:20 1:27:52 1:30:00 1:27:52 67.19
Looe Pioneers
1:54:29 2:05:22 2:34:54 42.31
Southwest Roadrunners
1:47:42 1:52:21 2:01:20 50.47
Erme Valley Harriers
1:21:14 2:16:53 2:16:53 42.59
Tango (Adam)
Notfast Running Club, Votwo/USN
1:14:45 1:18:45 1:20:00 1:18:45 73.62
City of Salisbury A & RC
1:17:25 1:19:17 1:20:01 72.45
Portsmouth Joggers Club
1:25:00 1:26:06 1:31:08 70.08
1:31:12 1:31:12 1:33:32 67.13
Northern Exile Didn't do as well as I'd hoped in this race.  It's a long hike down to Plymouth and I have to say I was tired going into it, don't think I was fully recovered from the Shakespeare Marathon a few weeks back.  Also, it's a much tougher race than people imagine with a couple of killer hills, particularly that long slog up onto the Hoe at the end.

I did this race at the invite of a couple of old mates from the Royal Navy and attempted to raise money for the charity Vitalise.  Actually ended up raising over 1000 quid!!!  Well done me!!
Settle Harriers, North Leeds Fell Runners
1:38:25 1:38:27 1:42:00 1:45:39 58.94
Plymstock Road Runners
1:13:20 1:22:33 1:29:00 65.73
suzieq Thoroughly enjoyed this. Really wanted to do 2.5 but spent several minutes in the loos in Morrisons!!!!!
2:38:00 2:38:00 2:30:00 2:38:00 37.00
Steady Edina Had a bad race. Got struck down with 24 hr viral infection day before and had to take lots of walk breaks.
The Prestwich Plodders
2:21:08 2:24:23 2:30:00 2:37:54 41.54
Plymouth City Walkers
Kittenheels Kath For the last three years in a row, I have raced this in 2.10.  Always happy just to get round, but quicker than 2.10 would be nice.

A course PB, very pleased.  Maybe next year sub-2 on this course will be mine (cue maniacal laughter)
1:58:31 1:58:31 2:10:30 2:08:29 52.54
scooby snax Worst time ever. Had terrible run but to be expected as no long runs done in time due to building up from injury. Nest year will be better again. :)
1:48:29 1:59:16 1:59:35 56.45
Crystal Tips Was really hot - went off too fast. Horrible hills about mile 6/7. 
Disappointed about time
1:55:33 1:56:08 2:00:00 2:04:26
Self D
1:27:28 1:32:52 1:32:52 62.44

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