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Millennium Runs On 10k

Listed by Rich963
Entrants (19)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
48:49 50:49 54:10 51.79
38:35 38:35 40:00 38:35 68.53
59:00 59:00 59:00 51.71
Girlie Didn't quite beat my hoped for sub 1 hr time, but the wind was very strong on the return leg and the mud bog at the finish slowed me down considerably.

Garmin says 1:01:49 for 6.26, official time slightly slower.  I finished 675/732 and was 212 woman home!

A good first 10k race though and I have a benchmark for future reference.

Great to meet Bessie Bounce- looks like you had a good race:)
Lonely Goat RC
57:56 1:02:09 1:02:00 1:02:09 47.82
Greenman The Xmas excesses obviously didn't have as bigger effect as I expected and this was only 20-odd secs slower than my last 10K. The head wind coming back along the river was stronger than I anticipated-did we really get that much of an assist on the way out? Feel like I've earned myself a few beers tonight-Happy New Year everyone.
Grantham Running club
37:07 37:30 37:54 72.86
Kaza Overall quite pleased and I know that if I up the mileage (and don't have a cold) I can do a lot better
Long Eaton Running Club
59:11 1:01:19 1:01:19 50.14
MAD Superman pos 125
Redhill Road Runners
35:43 40:17 41:25 63.74
Mary Brite
58:40 58:40 58:40 52.00
Not in the in crowd
58:45 58:45 59:59 58:45 51.93
32:33 41:43 41:43 63.28
Rich963 Enjoyed the race as usual - 4th year in a row I've done this one.  Flat course is usually good for a PB, just a shame that the wind prevented it this year.  5th and 6th miles the wind held me up just that little bit too much and the muddy last 50 metres probably cost the 1 second I was outside a PB!  Splits were: 6.35 6.22 6.26 6.26 6.37 6.40 1.24  Felt good though - I've been training through this race and did a long run two days before, so its a moral victory!
Stilton Striders RC
39:49 40:29 40:00 40:30 65.19
rollerman got to be good for a sub 48 minute(site update!according to race results it was 47.58 not 48.05) so I did just get a sub 48?
Well what can I say, that seemed like a very hard race I really struggled to keep going. But I have a new Pb, only just.
Thanks for all the bets, at least I have not lost you any credits.
All the best and a happy new year to all.....
Long Eaton Running Club
43:45 47:58 48:00 47:58 58.48
46:54 50:34 50:00 50:34 52.90
Runnig Dude
Leicester Coritanian AC
33:05 33:20 33:40 33:20 83.49
Spaceman Felt fairly comfortable doing this one, suprising given the amount of food and drink I've consumed the last week or so. Running against the wind was a struggle on the way back but still hit my target, the finish was very slippery this year, couldn't get a grip at all!
39:51 39:57 40:30 40:11 65.70
SPKoF strange race this one. Not really up for it beforehand. Nobody near my race pace from my club doing it so I figured I'd just cruise around and enjoy the views.

4 miles in I checked my overall pace on my garmin and saw i was 2 seconds inside my PB pace. Miles 4-5 were tough as they were straight into the wind but I cowardly hide at the back of my pack and as soon as we turned out of the head wind broke free.

I thought I'd picked up the pace a little to claw back the time from the slow mile but the splits say otherwise but ended up with a PB so very happy indeed. At no point did it hurt that much so on a less windy day or if I could actually be arsed to push it that time will fall again.

Splits: 6.38,6.51,6.50,6.48,7.05,6.50,6.41
Long Eaton Running Club
38:19 42:33 42:33 62.25
stuart little On for 38-39mins, then hit the wind through miles 5&6...
Beverley AC, Sheffield RC
33:10 40:14 41:00 40:14 65.62
The king
42:43 44:17 44:17 63.35
Two Towels. My first race since September 2006, just glad to be injury free and running again the time did not upset me to much for that reason alone.
Long Eaton Running Club
47:27 51:17 51:56 52.75

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