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Lincoln 10k

Listed by Zeb
  • Rated 77%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (26)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
100 Marathon Club, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Wigston Phoenix, LDWA
45:03 1:09:12 1:09:12 42.17
Mansfield Harriers & AC
58:00 58:00 58:00 50.00
Ropsley Road Runners
44:02 45:33 45:33 60.15
Louth AC, Louth Triathlon Club, CRISS Club
36:58 37:21 38:30 37:21 70.71
38:26 38:28 38:28 68.73
Lincsfella What a great race. well organised, desent course (flat) great spectators. sun was out.. great atmosphere........ and a personal best to boot. earlier in year was looking to do this in 40 mins but been plagued by illness. but hey..... im happy.
39:47 40:37 41:34 65.03
Lucky Jim
White City (Hull) RRC
42:05 43:41 43:41 71.64
48:53 52:08 52:08 56.71
Lincoln & District Runners
42:06 48:42 48:42 54.53
Lincoln & District Runners
39:27 42:32 44:18 61.84
40:21 40:21 40:21 65.45
Maximum Hobgoblin
40:21 44:59 45:54 59.69
mikep Flat course ending in the great setting of Lincoln castle. Start delayed - not good news as it was quite cold. Supportive crowd at various points. With about 3 K to go saw the leaders flying back on the other side of the road including a tiny15 year old lass who finished in 35 minutes!
First time I have felt OK running since I broke my foot. Hope this is a sign of better things to come.
40:26 42:58 49:00 48:23 60.39
Moza Considering how I felt (lousy the day before) not a bad run.
47:11 49:13 1:00:00 53:13 52.71
48:43 49:20 50:00 49:20 53.69
White City (Hull) RRC
46:56 46:56 47:22 55.74
Richard Simkiss
McCarkiss Endurance Project
32:20 40:53 42:50 61.63
46:54 46:54 45:00 47:06 56.79
Lincoln & District Runners
59:11 1:01:16 1:08:36 1:02:09 46.24
Stapleford runner formerly Stabbo r
47:48 47:48 48:30 47:48 64.89
task very pleased with my time,30s quicker than previous pb.
White City (Hull) RRC
44:18 45:28 46:22 57.46
Barton & District AC
57:49 59:39 1:01:00 47.17
therunningpostie good race, hard first 5k
Skegness & District Running Club
42:29 47:58 44:00 47:58 60.84
trouty Last race in the Tiger suit before FLM, set off far too fast and struggled from 4K.
Doncaster Triathlon Club
36:22 44:59 44:59 64.41
Wicked D YAHAY i gotta PB so those who bet on me many thanx as you drove me on, really pleased as it shows my training is coming along for the full mara's i've got planned

i still wanna get under 50 mins for a 10k altho i really prefare half/full mara's but 10k's can be fun especially the Lincoln 10k

a great day as the weather was good cos the sun came out and the wind was less than has been lately.
43:22 49:25 51:00 50:00 56.10
Wingy First ever 10k
47:26 47:26 50:00 47:26 56.40

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