About this parkrun
Two laps, partly on the Garden City Greenway. Undulating - surface is a mixture of hard-packed trail, grass and slippery mud. Puddles can be epic in times of heavy rain. Nice, moderately challenging route - just don't wear your best new trainers ...Schnecke 22nd Dec 2018
Two laps. Off road. No toilets and limited parking.
DocM 22nd Dec 2018
It starts on a football field back of a farm and through the football field again. It was ok the day I did it some random bloke was doing his 99th different one and brought Ice Creams for everyone this isn't the norm

Hills of Death (HOD) 22nd Mar 2019
2 laps taking in a football pitch and some of the Greenway. Toilets available -see volunteer team for key. Occasionally a coffee van. Good parking. Very different conditions if raining -trail shoes a must if rain has happened in preceding days!
MovingAlong 28th May 2019
Very enjoyable off road run
Dave Maher 10th Sep 2019
Gets very muddy in winter. Limited parking
BrianJ 29th Feb 2020
Two Lap, mixture of paths and trails, mostly cross country, hill of death is worse on second lap
crjeanes 8th May 2022
Tough course, quite hilly and can get extremely muddy, particularly on what has become known as carnage corner. Two laps and the hill on the second time of asking is tough.
Krispy 16th May 2022
2 laps. Field and farm track so if it’s been wet it would be very muddy. Free parking. No toilets. Nice course But of a hill but still fast if dry
runningmumof3boys 4th Mar 2023
Ridiculously deep mud - barely runable - most simply trampled the farmers crops for the dryer line. Friendly Marshall’s small field - 80 ? One to never do again.
Foxy 9th Mar 2024
2 lap course with hard tracks, firm bridleway & gradient up side of crop field, with path around nature reserve, then skirting around rec, before going around again. Bit wet & slippy along the field section & a few puddles. Trail shoes if been wet.
TrudiP 6th Jul 2024
Cross country course and quite muddy but a fun and friendly run. Nice two lapper really enjoyed it.
Looby Loo 26th Oct 2024
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