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Grindleford Gallop

  • Rated 75%
  • 21mi
  • Trail
Entrants (13)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Totley AC
Vickyy Due to illness had to pull out of the race
Long Eaton Running Club
Dave A Hope to make one in for this. Will be great training for Windermere.  
Running this at the end of a cut back week. Upto 20 miles in training now. Dependant on weather, hoping to use it as a hard training run and break 3 hours.


9th position. Great race. Didn't do it 100% and felt great all the way :)
2:48:48 2:48:48 3:00:00 2:48:48 56.10
Should Av Run Quicker Great race, took it very easy as a training run with fellow club members, good chat all the way around, finished comfortably with a few bursts along the way. Probably spent a bit too much time at the drinks stations drinking and eating.
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:42:08 3:02:42 3:02:42 53.69
Stockport Harriers & AC
3:02:42 3:02:42 3:02:42 52.45
jonah Treated this run as a training run after last week at Trimpell
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:42:08 3:02:43 3:02:43 55.54
3:04:00 3:04:00 3:30:00 3:04:00 51.47
Unsafe Breadbin
Stockport Harriers & AC
3:06:03 3:06:03 3:06:03 51.10
Leeboy Really enjoyed this! Over moon with time given length of time running. Great day and loved the route.
Rotherham Harriers & AC
3:14:36 3:35:39 4:00:00 3:35:39 44.44
rollerman New one to me, looking forward to it, hope the weather is good to us.
Guessing at about 4 hours
Great race, paced round by Pabsey, I am totally knackered now. defo to do again.
Long Eaton Running Club
3:40:02 4:00:54 4:00:00 4:00:54 41.77
SPKoF http://www.fetcheveryone.com/route-25939 - my guess at the route.

I'm doing Ashby 20 the day after so am going to take it very easily. about 4 hours for me.

/edit. Not a bad prediction. a very nice little jolly
Long Eaton Running Club
3:15:37 4:00:56 4:00:56 39.36
North Derbyshire RC
4:51:00 4:51:00 4:51:00 36.14
SarahL Long slow steady run with JohnJ.  Treated as a training run.  Walked up all the hills.  Walked when JohnJ needed to walk.  Thoroughly enjoyed the scenery, flapjack, cakes and tea en route!  Very windy and very hilly.  Great fell running :)
4:56:37 4:56:37 4:00:00 4:56:37 34.79

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