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Coventry Godiva Midsummer 5M

Wed June 27 2007
Entrants (17)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Ay up me duck
Northbrook AC
31:55 31:55 31:55 74.57
Boots Fairly pleased with performance today. Didn't expect to go under 27 minutes for a second time as I thought I was in bad shape after a couple of weeks with little training. Beat some names I didn't expect to so it can't be all that bad at all!
Coventry Godiva Harriers, Harborough AC
25:58 26:54 27:15 26:54 78.84
Chaz Sounds like a quick course. I am FURIOUS that I started too fast at Harborough and only managed a 30m35s. Trust me, I wont make the same mistake twice. Please predict finish time with any bets.
Thanks for all the predictions, had a good race, if not perfect, met Running Bob and watched him disappear up the road with the lead group, and broke 30 minutes for the first time ever. Chuffed.
Wootton Road Runners
29:44 29:47 30:21 29:47 71.05
Kenilworth Runners
36:22 37:03 37:29 64.69
39:20 39:20 39:00 39:20 58.26
Northbrook AC
32:43 32:43 33:08 66.33
Nathan Holmes
Northbrook AC
26:01 26:01 27:00 26:33 79.40
The Green Runners
33:07 33:07
Centurion RC
27:34 31:07 31:48 66.25
Chorlton Runners
28:59 31:51 33:01 63.81
Northbrook AC
33:03 33:03 33:03 63.74
RunningBob Appears to be a totally flat run on Aston Martin testing circuit.  Must be PB potential?  Hmmm hold the bets bit of a niggle from my hip after Sunday fell run.

8th 2MV40.  Scraped a PB.  Course was indeed pancake flat but hayfever took its toll.
Wilmslow RC
26:24 27:13 27:00 27:13 82.65
Northbrook AC
33:51 35:53 36:00 37:31 61.08
The Husky
Centurion RC
27:40 28:37 29:40 29:33 72.90
Trogre Wow! Where did that come from?!!!
Great course - nice and flat. The bends at the bottom end were a bit annoying, but I think the bird scarer or whatever it was helped speed me along a bit.
40:05 40:05 41:30 40:05 52.56
Velociraptor My 5-mile PB is very old and very soft, but having done a very hilly 42-miler on Saturday so I may not be setting the tarmac alight here.  UPDATE  Well-organised race on a flattish and distinctly unscenic car-testing circuit. The sort of event to which you go along with blinkers on, belt out a PB and walk away. Having all but refused to run during the warm-up, my quads barely whimpered during the race. Surpassed my expectations, but am now thinking that on a course like that and on a night like tonight I should have cracked 36 minutes.
Cumberland AC
36:06 36:06 38:00 36:53 66.26
Northbrook AC
31:22 31:23 33:53 62.65

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