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Clapham Common parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Wimbledon Windmilers, Clapham PiONEERs
20:28 24:29 24:29 59.66
plodding hippo
100 Marathon Club
24:56 30:28 33:08 51.14

About this parkrun

2 laps, flat, about 50/50 tarmac to grass/trail. Biggest issue is the numbers. Parking non-existent, short walk from northern line.
iRicey 21st Jan 2019

Two laps of around the inner part of Clapham Common. Very busy and very dusty on the non-tarmac sections. Bandstand cafe a good spot for a coffee afterwards
njosmith 6th Jul 2019

Went down on the day of National XC Flat but mainly trail paths in the Common very busy but nice route. Short walk from Clapham South.
Hills of Death (HOD) 28th Feb 2022

Did this on marathon day and there were over 900 runners - wow! A flat route with mainly on trail paths. Not far from Clapham South Tube station. My friend was RD'ing which came as a nice surprise too.
Akkers 24th Apr 2023

Two lap course with a mixture of trail, grass, path.

Pancake flat. Only downside is the second lap, when catching up on the Parkrunners still on their first lap, pathway(s) are narrow. Other than that a very warm, friendly reception from their crew
Sunbed Athlete 29th Jul 2023

Very busy. Website says start is not at the bag drop but that wasn't the case today. Well marshalled with enthusiastic people. Short walk from tube. Pancake flat
LindsD 9th Sep 2023

Relaxed and friendly, but 1,039 people! Entire first half mile congested/10:30-11:00 minute mile pace. Also my official result was recorded as almost a minute slower than I ran, so I guess things got out of sync with tokens. Great volunteers + fun.
Left Foot 7th Oct 2023

Very flat, friendly park run with lots of people. Became extremely muddy and quite slippery in the downpour I ran it in
mscog 5th Mar 2024

2 laps flat on trail and tarmac with a little grass at the start. Very busy but chatty run among mostly tree lined paths. Cafe a short walk away, and loos somewhere but not nearby. Clapham common South tube was best to get there.
Groundhog 27th Apr 2024

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