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Bowden 5k

Listed by Homer
Entrants (13)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Sandbach Striders
20:51 20:56 21:07 63.12
Akie  Pushed really hard by club mates pushing for precious Summer Series points especially the big 50 for Group 5/6. Ran well under the pressure and stayed ahead of the 3 runners who tracked me.
Prestwich Athletics Club
18:03 20:51 21:00 20:51 61.47
AllyB Felt a lot better tonight than the Dunham Messup 5k 2 weeks ago... Didn't think I'd get near my PB so just goes to show.
Manchester Tri
18:11 18:57 18:57 68.11
Penny Lane Striders
22:12 22:27 22:27 58.95
Wigan & District Harriers & AC
16:36 16:36 16:52 75.99
Guernsey Island AAC
22:47 22:47 24:25 22:47 61.26
Sandbach Striders
25:35 25:35 25:47 57.57
Pinno Good race tonight but should have done much better and should have knocked a good 20 seconds of the time cocked up at end thought we had another 0.5k or so left coming out of the park rather than 100yds or so and should have put my foot down a lot earlier for a sprint finish.  Felt much better tonight. Pleased to be only 3 secs of a PB it still leaves a lot of room for improvement.
A great route for a 5k.
Penny Lane Striders
19:34 19:34 19:50 19:43 72.35
pugheaven Splits:
5:26 (11:00)
5:33 (16:49)

Not bad after a 5 mile race the night before in 28:02 :-)
Ellesmere Port Running Club
16:49 16:49 16:55 16:49 77.12
RunningBob Best chance I'vegot to go sub 16 but will need a bit of luck.  Close but no sub 16 - went off a bit too fast - 1k in 2.59
Wilmslow RC
16:02 16:02 15:59 16:02 87.60
Should Av Run Quicker Don't think I'll PB but going for sub 18 at least.
** Didn't expect a PB but felt good right from the start, didn't go off too fast and ran my own race, should have not let a runner pass me near the finish as I eneded uo 2nd V40, so that'll teach me***
Stockport Harriers & AC
17:18 17:26 17:45 17:26 79.35
Dragons Running Club (Sale)
19:06 19:06 19:06 69.29
Wilmslow RC
20:30 20:30 20:50 65.90

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