Birmingham Rowheath 5k Series (Race 1)

Listed by R.I.C.O.
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
R.I.C.O. Well that went well.
Centurion RC
16:34 16:34 18:00 16:34 77.57
Wigan & District Harriers & AC
16:36 16:41 17:25 17:00 75.59
The Husky Happy with my time 2 seconds faster than predicted.  Felt a bit heavy legged after the Aldridge 10k but still a good sharpener.
Centurion RC
16:50 16:53 17:10 17:09 77.76
thomas h
Centurion RC
17:41 17:53 19:00 17:53 81.69
Bournville Harriers
18:30 18:30 18:36 69.09
TheMaster Position 42nd - 5th M45 - First race since last September, it has taken me until now to get some consitent training in, disrupted by niggles here and there. OK over an undulating two lap course, just lacking race fitness, otherwise ok considering
Midland Masters A C
16:08 19:06 19:06 73.56
Centurion RC
21:20 22:14 22:14 68.46
anthony a
Bournville Harriers
25:32 27:05 29:15 27:05 51.48

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