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Spotted several times running near work - haven't had chance to ask him what he's training for, but it's in aid of "Help for Heroes". It's a full sized tumble dryer.
10th Jun 2009 by ThorntonRunner
10th Jun 2009 at 5:06pm
Maclennane: Dare you to ask him how much for a service wash. -
10th Jun 2009 at 7:00pm
Max71: Jesus Han, that bloody race looks mental. Or at least I thought that until I realised I carry an extra 70lbs round every marathon I run. -
10th Jun 2009 at 7:26pm
santababy: oh.my.god. -
10th Jun 2009 at 8:27pm
Meglet: mental! -
10th Jun 2009 at 9:37pm
Blotts Mate: 'kin' 'ell! -
11th Jun 2009 at 7:42am
Chicken Licken: Does he do a delivery and collection servicedear me that's some tough going hey
11th Jun 2009 at 2:13pm
Siamese Pete: Wouldn't it be easier to put some bricks in a ruck sack??:-O -
12th Jun 2009 at 11:07am
iPLOD: I dunno. Looters today. Shameless. -
26th Jun 2009 at 2:30pm
Dubbya: John Lewis home delivery...marvellous.
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