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Yoga Thread-to compare experiences and get advice

103 watchers
Mar 2017
8:56pm, 11 Mar 2017
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Sorry about the multiple posts, it was due to a dodgy connection.
Mar 2017
9:15am, 12 Mar 2017
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Becca, much I would agree with.
Poor nutrition is the domain of large parts of the population and independent of what meat/dairy/vegan/vegetarian disposition. I think I alluded to the fact that those making that researched and well thought out choices to adapt to a certain style of diet are _more_ likely to be better nutritionally informed and active than the average person :-)

Tooth and claw is an interesting one. That reminds me of how sometimes I find that people in their rush to prepare plant based foods, they do so without suitable processing. We are indeed omnivorous, which means we can adapt to a solely meat based diet or a solely plant based diet. There are good examples from around the world that support this. The danger of meat comes from the claw with which it defends itself. The danger of plants comes from their chemical defences. We have developed techniques for processing these chemical irritants/defences out, often via long established traditional methods. However, often our modern "must be ready now" lifestyles can lead first time adopters of a new plant based diet to skip some of these, leading to less than optimal nutrition.

I could talk for ages on gut biology, microbiome (that does evolve fast), modern vs traditional diets of all ilks, supplementation and so on for ages. But I would stop this being a thread about yoga so much. So I'll refrain from the urge. Tempting as it is, because it's great to hear from diverse people :-)

In the mean time, I need to work out which part of my flow (an asana, transition or something else*) is turning my watch off. As when I finish, it has often shutdown. I wear it on the inside of the right wrist and there is a button that when held down for a few seconds shuts it off :-) Only time it happens is when I get the yoga mat out :-p

*My yoga is a actually a grab bag mix of traditional yoga poses, a smattering of foundation training for breathing/decompression, some developmental sports stretching and some of Starrett's mobilisation techniques. The ratio dependent on mood and need :-)
Mar 2017
12:53pm, 12 Mar 2017
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Mulled a few things over whilst out in the forest this morning.

Just have to say a thank you for KinkyS & Becca for "expanding my bubble" however off topic it has been. It has been very useful for me to have that exposure to different ways of approaching the subject. It's something I value and wrote about on my own site, which I'm not going to publicise here, so I snipped the relevant article and stuck it in my blog http://www.fetcheveryone.com/blog-view.php?id=41687

I promise not to clog the thread up with any more words. But look forward to gleaning other nuggets of insight and wisdom from you all in the future :-)
Mar 2017
2:41pm, 12 Mar 2017
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It's been a good discussion, and I especially want to thank Becca - it's always good to be challenged so I can learn and grow, and unlike many other discussions I've seen on this topic, we've not resorted to name calling and arguing :-)

Anyhow - Sunday is yin yoga day - anyone else combine dynamic vinyasa styles with chilled out yin throughout the week?
Mar 2017
2:48pm, 12 Mar 2017
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Yes, it's been a refreshingly balanced and civilised discussion, thanks to you too Kinky.

I do like the style of yin yoga and that's what I do a lot of the time. I'm just doing yoga at home at the moment but will start going to a studio again shortly to make use of the hot classes for heat acclimatisation purposes. They have a yin class on a Sunday that is in a warm room. It bugs me that most of the hot classes are Bikram ones, though.
Mar 2017
3:14pm, 12 Mar 2017
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I'm not a big fan of Bikram either :-/
Mar 2017
5:50pm, 12 Mar 2017
484 posts
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I've just finished a yin yoga session - I haven't done it much, but I'm going to try to do a bit more of it. I came to yoga through an Iyengar teacher (long time ago now) although I do vinyasa types as well now. I'm definitely no fan of Bikram. Personally, I'm not particularly keen on hot yoga either.
Mar 2017
6:21pm, 12 Mar 2017
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I started out with Iyengar too - I think it's a great intro because you learn all the proper alignment which often gets missed in the more rapid movements of vinyasa classes of any style (be that Ashtanga, Jivamukti, the assorted 'power yogas' like Baron Baptiste or Dylan Ayaloo's HPY or whatever). I like vinyasa flow partly because I used to be a dancer so I love to mooooooove, but also because I think it complements my running nicely, with lots of strength and mobility required, not just flexibility.

Much as I like flowing, I *need* yin for when I've broken myself from high mileage mara/ultra training, be that physically from the exertion or mentally from the pressure/competitiveness. I've just finished a blissful 1 hour 40 minute session, mostly forward bends and hip openers plus a couple of backbends and a twist, all held passively for 5 minutes each, finishing with 10 minutes of legs up the wall :-)

I've never tried Bikram and never will. Even without all the sexual, harassment and bullying scandals, the copyright stuff and the competitions, I don't like the idea of doing the same sequence every single time. There are thousands of yoga postures out there, why only do the same 26 in the same order? I do like practicing in a hot room though, I really feelthe cold so it means I don't have to wear so many clothes that I can't move properly...
Mar 2017
6:44pm, 12 Mar 2017
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Apparently I do yin...
Pigeon pose variation (head up) whilst watching TV or normal whilst listening to the radio. I just thought it was natural to rest in some poses for a long time. Certainly feels that way for me at times. :-)
Mar 2017
6:52pm, 12 Mar 2017
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Seated wide angle forward bend whilst reading a book or magazine, sphinx when watching TV :-)

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Maintained by plodding hippo

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