Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

3 lurkers | 107 watchers
Apr 2020
8:27am, 13 Apr 2020
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Same here, BBL (only mongrel terrier instead of Staffie, of course).
Apr 2020
8:54am, 13 Apr 2020
8,252 posts
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There would be a Brittany shaped hole here, but I’m not sure about the grey fluff...more likely a wimpy dog running in the other direction.
Apr 2020
9:02am, 13 Apr 2020
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Alice the Camel
Charlie wouldn’t stand a chance. You’d hear him barking the other end of the village though.
Apr 2020
10:08am, 13 Apr 2020
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How do you reduce this prey instinct? Yoshi would be a pretty well behaved dog and brilliant running partner if she would stop launching herself and me towards small furries.
Apr 2020
11:32am, 13 Apr 2020
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Its difficult W but not impossible. Start with impulse control training and move onto the famous but tough "being more interesting yourself than everything else" training. You have to be consistent and patient but it is possible.
Apr 2020
12:22pm, 13 Apr 2020
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D2 is right but I think for some dogs it is so hard wired in the breeding that it's more difficult than others. Wanda is Terrier X something lurcher/whippet -ish we think. I have never known a dog with a prey drive like hers. We have managed to win her interest back from some things when she is on a lead but fledglings in the garden I honestly have no idea how to train it out of her.
Apr 2020
12:25pm, 13 Apr 2020
29,849 posts
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I see your squirrel and raise you a fox that has just sauntered across the decking outside the french doors, with Floss on the sofa in her default position of head resting on the arm, looking out into the garden :-0 We didn't let her put til he'd reached the bottom of the garden :-) She flew out to the bottom of the garden, hackles on end, then spent ages sniffing everywhere but the direction the fox had taken out of our garden to next door ;-)
Apr 2020
12:57pm, 13 Apr 2020
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Apr 2020
1:09pm, 13 Apr 2020
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I have an extremely expensive imported DVD called something like 'how to train your high prey drive dog' by a fancy trainer who's name I can't remember. The basic premise is as D2 says, you have to make yourself the most interestingly thing in the world to your dog, but she also agrees with BBL that some dogs have such a strong hunting instinct that they will never be entirely bombproof (I'm looking at you, Rory, who is not even a tiny bit bombproof.)
Apr 2020
10:03am, 23 Apr 2020
6,259 posts
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Hiya, we’re seriously considering adopting a dog and have contacted several local adoption centres. Most aren’t open at the moment, but we wanted to engage with them to have initial chats.

I know there are a couple of adopted dogs on this thread (hiya Wanda, hiya Rory) and wondered if anyone wanted to share their adoption dog stories; horror and happy.


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