Jan 2019
10:05pm, 21 Jan 2019
7,459 posts
HP - Daisy is right, certainly not defeat... seeking extra help is absolutely the right thing to do - these trainers and behaviour experts can see things that we probably don't even notice with our dogs. Hope Ernie makes progress for you.
Jan 2019
3:37am, 22 Jan 2019
27,412 posts
LD he hasn’t been neutered. I went to vet with that question tbh. She said it was best to try behavioural methods before doing something so invasive. Nurse thinks it’s all linked. He’s needing more mental stimulation and she’s suggested something called nothing in life is free. Basically anything he wants has to be earned.
Jan 2019
8:07am, 22 Jan 2019
7,460 posts
If he is clever he will soon be doing the things you want him to do to earn what he wants. As long as everyone in the household goes along with the system....... in my experience it's not necessarily the training of the dog to follow a system that is the most difficult....
Jan 2019
11:20am, 22 Jan 2019
27,415 posts
Oh BBL we are entirely the issue. I suspect the dog is more intelligent than both of us. He has managed to manipulate lots of our attempts at training.
Jan 2019
1:30pm, 22 Jan 2019
8,604 posts
It's a while since I posted a picture of Poppy-the-puppy. Yesterday, she worked out that she could get up the stairs. She's not allowed to but until now, has sat patiently at the bottom when E goes upstairs. She had a bit more trouble getting up than down though A stairgate is about to be installed. Generally, she's doing really well and although still mouthing a lot, she's learning very quickly (no surprise there then!). She will sit, lie down and give her paw on command and (most of the time) walk to heel. E starts taking her to puppy classes next week which will be good because she needs the mental stimulation, I think. George still isn't particularly keen but in a grumpy old git way rather than a nasty terrier way. He tells her off when she tries to play with him and she hasn't yet worked out that she should therefore stop trying to play with him. We do make her leave him alone so he gets a pit of peace when we walk them together. E and the rest of her little family are enjoying her so much - it's a real pleasure to see
Jan 2019
1:37pm, 22 Jan 2019
7,461 posts
Such a sweet picture
Jan 2019
2:54pm, 22 Jan 2019
6,005 posts
I know that Rory's issues are 95% me (I'm holding out against the extra 5% because I do think it's got a little bit to do with his lack of early training and him being a stupid Spaniel!) His Scentwork trainer has banned me from talking to him now while he's working as I'm a distraction. ('Stop saying his name! He's not listening anyway!')
Jan 2019
4:52pm, 22 Jan 2019
25,388 posts
Oh that brings back memories of Copse Hill Thursday afternoons Maz 'It's a COMMAND, not a conversation, Daisy!' 'Don't keep repeating what you want her to do - you're just teaching her that she can ignore the first (second, third) time you say something' etc etc etc.
And, to the class in general but probably aimed at me, in the nicest possible way, 'It's not the dog, it's the owner!' (Mostly true, but I too think there's 5% which isn't )
Jan 2019
4:53pm, 22 Jan 2019
25,389 posts
Lovely Poppy photo Sarah
Jan 2019
5:01pm, 22 Jan 2019
3,693 posts
Alice the Camel
Gorgeous pic, Sarah!