Nov 2017
2:29pm, 12 Nov 2017
10,135 posts
Well done Dougal!
We did some Canicross today too, I use "this way" for left and "that way" for right and just let him keep going if its straight on!! We went faster approaching puddles which was fine once I sussed that!
Not a race just a nice walk/jog in the sunshine. First time I've "jogged" with him and he was very flummoxed to begin with. I had forgotten how nice it is to have a bit of assistance up hill, the photos I took on the move are not good so here's one where I asked him to wait.
Nov 2017
4:13pm, 12 Nov 2017
5,267 posts
Well done Dougal, that's a fine way to relate to your human. And Indi - I hope you both enjoyed it.
Nov 2017
4:20pm, 12 Nov 2017
11,937 posts
D2 - Looks very nice up your way and a bit flatter than the outskirts of Plymouth (well on that photo at least!).
As most junctions were left or right, when we got to crossroads Dougal would assume we were going either left or right before attempting a straight on (usually because he could hear other runners, and I hadn't said anything), but he does understand no, so quickly corrected. And he had to run through every, single, solitary puddle.
Nov 2017
4:40pm, 12 Nov 2017
6,917 posts
Well done Chrisull. And Dougal too of course!
D2 - did you have Indi on a Canicross belt or a handheld lead/line. I am terrified of the thought of running with Wanda in a belt - if she saw a pheasant or squirrel I would probably be dragged along to my death.....
Nov 2017
4:52pm, 12 Nov 2017
7,938 posts
Well done, Chrisull and Dougal - sounds like great fun.
D2 - sounds as if you had a lovely time - he's such a good boy and will soon be an expert running companion, I'm sure
Nov 2017
5:22pm, 12 Nov 2017
10,136 posts
BBL, I use an extending lead and thread my bottle belt through the handle and a collar that has a little inserted "choke" chain on his end. He reacts so well to commands these days that I can trust him to stop when necessary, I have had dogs in the past who had to be older before I trusted them tied to me!! Eb once gave me a bloody nose I have taught him to stop and sit at the side if a cyclist or horse comes along and he does this automatically now even like today when I didn't hear a cyclist behind me because it was so windy.
Chris... that is a flat bit at the top of a hill, these days it takes me a while to go up hills. Indi agrees with Dougal that every puddle must be run through, sometimes twice in both directions Its great fun, I used to love running this way with previous dogs and hope I can get fit enough to do it again regularly with Indi. They are great company on a run and the odd stop for a sniff / paddle is a welcome respite. Its amazing how quickly they learn to read your mind or maybe how you lean on the lead or the angle of your body as to which way to go. Must be great to race this way, I'm jealous, well done on your race.
Nov 2017
6:27pm, 12 Nov 2017
23,703 posts
Derby Tup
Our Tussock is staying with pals while we are in a short-term rental waiting for our house purchase to finally complete. I miss him terribly!
Nov 2017
6:30pm, 12 Nov 2017
6,918 posts
As I think Sharkie has pointed out before recently - the difference between dogs that are 'shepherding' breeds and those that are 'hunting/chasing' breeds (or a suspected mix of two that have an incredibly strong prey drive) is much greater for some activities!
If I could do cani-cross in a safe environment (which in Wanda's case would probably be some sort of indoor stadium!) then I'd love to give it a go - but out in the forest/countryside doesn't bear thinking about. I was also asked the other day if I would consider doing Bikejor with her which obviously for the same reasons I wouldn't!!!!
Nov 2017
6:48pm, 12 Nov 2017
3,932 posts
Rory is pretty good at running with me 95% of the time, much better than he is on a normal walk (he's a nightmare anywhere there are birds, or squirrels, or rabbits, or cats...or to put it another way, pretty much anywhere). The remaining 5% though, he's doing an emergency stop, or wrapping himself round my legs, or jumping sideways to pee on a bush, and for that reason the thought of doing Bikejor with him terrifies me!
Nov 2017
8:48pm, 14 Nov 2017
1,469 posts
Ollie (arthritis front right elbow) back at vets today - no improvement so whilst he seems cheerful enough he's still hobbling around on three legs.
Getting a referral to get a CT scan and see where we go from there