Jun 2017
8:11am, 13 Jun 2017
6,624 posts
But slim or just right, that's an impressive haul of rosettes - well done to you both
Jun 2017
8:17am, 13 Jun 2017
23,328 posts
Well done Jet.
Jun 2017
8:23am, 13 Jun 2017
3,222 posts
Alice the Camel
Congratulations on the rosette haul!
It's our village dog show this Saturday. Last year it was judged by Cushla, local trainer of canicross and TV fame . She can't do it it this year so..... They must have thought, "who can we ask? I know, the owner of that perfectly behaved well-trained puppy, she obviously knows lots about dogs!" So I'm doing it
All tips welcome.
Jun 2017
8:29am, 13 Jun 2017
6,625 posts
What an honour Alice. In my experience of dog shows I'm sure the event organiser will give you some helpful advice such as 'The owner of that dog has paid for a stall/made a substantial donation to the cause/tirelessly baked cakes for the event' which I'm sure will be helpful when choosing Best in Show
Jun 2017
8:34am, 13 Jun 2017
6,626 posts
Oh and make sure the same dog doesn't win this year, even if it is a Crufts champion and clearly streets ahead of all the others.... if it won last year then it's someone else's turn this year...
Not that I am cynical or anything......
Jun 2017
8:43am, 13 Jun 2017
4,943 posts
Thank you BBL.
I think dog feeding is almost as much a competetive minefield as parenting, and when the owner of the dog that came third said she fed her dog Chappie I smiled broadly and decided I liked her
Jet eats dried 'working dog' food, which has the added advantage that it is much cheaper than ordinary dog food because it has no VAT, and can be stored in a large bin in the garage. He has always eaten the same, yet in his youth we heard dire warnings (via a paying client) from one TV expert that he would have 'too much energy' and would never be able to calm down. This is Jet around the time we were told this:
(The 'expert' was paid for by the owners of a pair of small cocker bitches - very beautiful animals. Following the advice of the expert these had their puppy to adult growth 'regulated' by being fed on very expensive 'specialist' food.)
Like humans, when Jet eats too much he gets fat and when he eats too little he gets thin, so we measure his food at every meal and try to adjust. However...
Until we moved house last November we also took him to the vet each month when we collected his Advocate prescription and weighed him there. This year we haven't Jet with us and have bought three months worth at a time. Also Jet's winter coat was so thick that we were slow to notice his weight loss and once again I feel guilty -this time for starving him!
Jet is particularly enjoying the extra rations and the treats, and has already put back the missing weight. He is now slim again.
Jun 2017
8:48am, 13 Jun 2017
4,944 posts
While I was typing that...
Congratulations Alice. Yes indeed, for local dog shows - spread the love!
And be prepared with some lovely words about every animal
Jun 2017
8:57am, 13 Jun 2017
6,627 posts
I've never quite understood the VAT thing on products for working dogs but I know it's the same for supplements designed for working (including agility dogs) too. I used to have regular contact with someone who ran a firm making nutritional supplements for pets (when I used to deal with them it was a fairly small operation - now they are huge) and they made 'working dog' versions of their products. They worked a great deal with the agility world and at one time were developing an energy/recovery supplement for working/agility dogs too.
Jun 2017
8:57am, 13 Jun 2017
9,849 posts
congratulations it will be fun
are you mad?
Jun 2017
9:12am, 13 Jun 2017
3,135 posts
Wow, well done Jet! AtC, I am I'm seriously impressed
I didn't know that about VAT on 'working dog' food. How do they make sure that your dog is actually 'working'?? (And does it have to be full time? Part time? 'Does a bit of agility once a fortnight'? )