Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

4 lurkers | 107 watchers
May 2017
8:24am, 14 May 2017
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chicken is good!
May 2017
8:47am, 14 May 2017
23,128 posts
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Ability is familiar territory. And you have chicken. Sorted!
May 2017
9:17am, 14 May 2017
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Hope it goes well :-)
May 2017
9:31am, 14 May 2017
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I totally forgot to share our small success from yesterday. We went to do one of our usual walks only to discover there was a horse endurance event on. I decided to go for it anyway. Ernie was curious but came into the side and sat whilst horses passed. No barking or overexcited behaviour. By the end he was quite blase about horses.
May 2017
9:34am, 14 May 2017
2,946 posts
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I bet he'll be perfect today, and no one will believe you when you tell the story.

Rory is playing with two tennis balls at once. Weirdo :-)
May 2017
10:27am, 14 May 2017
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We also had a small success yesterday. I met up with a friend and her very docile Lab to go for a walk. The dogs have met before and are fine with each other, generally they just give each other their own space. Yesterday they greeted each other politely and were fine on the walk (mainly ignoring each other). The Lab is off lead most of the time (his owner struggles to control him on a lead) and Wanda is mainly on the lead, however she had much more off lead time on this walk in places where it was safe for her.

They were trotting along both happily off lead on a path through some woods when Wanda spotted a pheasant ... she took off like a brindle bullet from a gun going through, over or under any branches and undergrowth that got in the way. The other dog joined in leaping over things as if canine parkour is his secret passion. Fortunately the pheasant got to the other side of a fence at which point Wanda obeyed the 'stop' command that I think has probably been the most useful thing we learned through the Good Citizen training (at one time a fence in between her and the prey would have had no effect on the stop command!)

At the end of the walk we went to a pub for supper and managed to sit at the same table with both dogs (outside and in a bit of space) with only a tiny bit of resource guarding from Wanda... which we had anticipated and had strategies in place to deal with.... that's something we still need to work on but all in all a very positive day. I'm sure the pheasant chasing was the highlight of it for Wanda as she is so rarely off lead in that kind of environment ... for that very reason!
May 2017
11:41am, 14 May 2017
18,402 posts
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Sounds like an excellent day Baroness and congratulations on the Stop command working - I haven't done that with Floss for ages and I'm not at all confident she would remember it now.
May 2017
12:30pm, 14 May 2017
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That sounds like a great day for Wanda. Hurrah for the whole thing!

Jess is off lead 2/3 of the time for on most of her hour and half walks and we both find 'Stop' really useful. She also recalls beautifully... in spite of getting excluded from her KC classes at silver level.
May 2017
2:24pm, 14 May 2017
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Lets hope H is having a good agility day, well done to Ernie and Wanda. We've been to watch my daughter compete in a 8 miler and the kids do the fun run, lots of dogs running too. Maybe one day Indi but not yet!
May 2017
2:52pm, 14 May 2017
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Of course D2, he can't go from Most Handsome/Best in Show to Cani-X champ in the space of 24 hours - not least because I imagine he did his hair specially for the show ring yesterday.

But give it a week or so...... ;-)

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