Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

2 lurkers | 107 watchers
Aug 2016
3:09pm, 4 Aug 2016
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He looks gorgeous.

Jet has had an interesting morning with youngest grandson - 9 months and rather grabby/bouncy.

I've been quite impressed with Jet's management which consists mainly of trying to keep out of the way of flailing baby arms and grabby fingers. He has let the baby touch him a couple of times but we're trying to keep clear air between them, for both their sakes, so that Jet also has a safe space to retreat to.

The bit that makes me laugh is when the baby throws a dummy on the floor and Jet picks it up and walks around with a dummy sticking out of his mouth.

There is a lot of washing and sterilising going on!
Aug 2016
9:58pm, 5 Aug 2016
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Thumbs up to Sharkie for suggesting throwing pills as if they are treats. It works so well that I only have to pick up the packet and Jet skids to a full sit-with-eyeballs-out in front of me waiting for the 'treat' to be tossed to him. Daft dog.
Aug 2016
11:01pm, 5 Aug 2016
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Well if I was ever wondering what affect Holly has had on my life, tonight provided the answer. I dropped her off to (an extremely posh) kennels tonight for our 2 week holiday. Oh the guilt! The house is so empty and I keep looking round for her. I'm putting off going to bed as I won't have to give her her bedtime biscuits and associate routine.
Aug 2016
8:48am, 6 Aug 2016
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Quite understand macapple. But I hope she and you both have lovely holidays. We are still at the stage of only going on dog-friendly UK holidays for much the same reason as you've indicated :-)
Aug 2016
8:57am, 6 Aug 2016
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Yes, they work their way into our hearts and lives. The absence of fur balls and underfoot grit doesn't compensate for the relationship loss when they're not here. :-)
Aug 2016
1:07pm, 6 Aug 2016
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*proud owner alert* :-)

Very pleased to report that Wanda was far less excited/stressed by the local dog show experience today than previously. She did two rounds of 'have a go' agility as if she was in a competition :-) None of the usual - I'll just poke my head in the tunnel - nah I don't think I'll go through it. Perhaps having a break from agility has made it more interesting again.

She was also placed third in Best Rescue... we might have even been placed higher, but unfortunately when the judge told us all to stop walking around we had stopped directly in front of a trailer waiting to come into the ring containing the ducks and what looked like turkeys for the 'dog and ducks' display. Getting them completely out of her line of sight wasn't possible and liver cake didn't distract for very long.

She even greeted several unknown dogs politely star We only spent an hour and a half or so there as it was a hot day and we thought quitting while we were ahead was a good idea
Aug 2016
1:14pm, 6 Aug 2016
3,332 posts
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Excellent news BaronessBL, Wanda is a real star :-)
Aug 2016
3:29pm, 6 Aug 2016
2,473 posts
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Well done Wanda star

We have always holidayed in the UK or separately so that Leah didn't have to go into kennels....
Aug 2016
3:36pm, 6 Aug 2016
21,112 posts
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Well done Wanda. Lots of reasons to be proud.

We usually camp in UK anyway so I don't see holidays being too much of an issue. I expect my sister or parents would help with Ernie anyway. In fact my folks are coming up on Thursday to meet him.
Aug 2016
10:02pm, 6 Aug 2016
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We've had a right bloody day of it with Ernie. As I mull it over I realise why. Every aspect of the routine was buggered today. We've had 4 puddles. He got over excited and lunged at my face whilst I was on the sofa, leaving me with a gash down my nose which bled quite a bit. He's just generally been up to no good and then cried when I put him to bed (a little early).

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