Sep 2018
9:54am, 13 Sep 2018
6,089 posts
Still calling in sick :/ That's been a week now. Do I need a doctor's note?
Sep 2018
10:36am, 13 Sep 2018
7,169 posts
I am being thrashed but I don't care am on holiday 😁
Sep 2018
12:00pm, 13 Sep 2018
1,372 posts
Today’s run is not showing ☹️
Sep 2018
12:08pm, 13 Sep 2018
10 posts
loving all the comments about biking here and there the long way!! Not just me then...
Sep 2018
2:13pm, 13 Sep 2018
15,275 posts
I have to make an unexpected bike ride to my mother in law's and I have come here to work out the best route from a WSW point of view
Sep 2018
2:51pm, 13 Sep 2018
19,850 posts
I’d like to change the Who Squares Wins picture - and thought it might be good to have a Fetchie on the front cover If you’re up for it, post a pic in the gallery of you holding up your fingers like a movie director making a rectangle around a shot. But obviously try to make it square Close ups and silly faces encouraged
Sep 2018
3:40pm, 13 Sep 2018
6,095 posts
21-22 going on here. I am contemplating walking to the pharmacy to pick up precisely one slice of cake just to even things up. And I need some cough syrup or sweets or I'll die of sleeplessness before I even make the weekend.
Sep 2018
3:42pm, 13 Sep 2018
6,096 posts
Also: Garmin still thinks I am supersonic. It had me walking 1km in 4 seconds, then a second km in a slovenly 53 seconds. Despite that, the map is right. It only does that on "cross-train" setting and seems to be right enough on bike and run.
Sep 2018
3:44pm, 13 Sep 2018
4,040 posts
A question for clarification...and a thought/idea/stupid suggestion
Firstly, just to check that you can only score points in a square once a day for biking it and once a day for running it. So a daily cycling commuter who uses the same route morning and night would only score once for each square. And someone couldn't restart their watch for five separate laps of the same course and get scores for each "separate run".
Now the potentially stupid idea. What if on each day the first 5? or 10? or X? squares each player turns to their colour (note - turn their colour not pass through/score points for) get locked to that colour for the rest of that game. So each day you can secure a batch of squares that your opponent cannot touch...and that you don't need to revisit that week to keep control of. Possibly exclude the centre square and eight surrounding as being unlockable, but still allow the next X squares after that to be locked.
I'm not sure how many results it would change, but it would keep some matches alive and in some cases give the person behind some motivation, because they at least know they can secure a more narrow gap that isn't going to get rewiped out. At the most 2X * 7 get secured, still leaving plenty of battleground squares (unless you picked something like X=20).
Firstly, does it seem like a good idea. Secondly, is Fetch going to hate me for suggesting a potential coding nightmare.
Sep 2018
3:46pm, 13 Sep 2018
4,041 posts
FatterITG - for a minute I was thinking "what a lovely pharmacy to sell slices of cake; I wish they sold cake in my pharmacy"
...the penny dropped...eventually.