May 2021
3:06pm, 11 May 2021
676 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
Have a look at my vintage folder on my blog from last week Hanneke! I’ve just got my first cycling badge, now I’m wondering just how far I could go on it! 😂
May 2021
3:07pm, 11 May 2021
95 posts
Jelly, I did get a bloody Percy Pig Christmas tree for someone in December 🤣🤣🤣
May 2021
3:09pm, 11 May 2021
73,390 posts
May 2021
3:10pm, 11 May 2021
73,391 posts
Jelly, in the olden days, I would cycle 600 miles in a weekend...
May 2021
3:15pm, 11 May 2021
22,397 posts
Probably not in a 2x2 mile square though?
May 2021
3:16pm, 11 May 2021
677 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
Hann I think if I wasn’t able to run or walk as much as I do I might appreciate cycling more! I did enjoy whizzing around on my bike a bit last week, and it was a necessity to cancel out some squares that Steve Nord kept holding! it’s generally been used to cycle a km up town to pick up bits when I’m in a hurry!
May 2021
3:16pm, 11 May 2021
73,394 posts
No! That is why the toys went out of the pram! Cycling around in a 5 mile loop around my house wasn't for me!
May 2021
3:18pm, 11 May 2021
73,395 posts
Jelly, I was driven to cycling because of an irreparable anterior talo-fibular ligament tear. Anything over 10 kms would flare up serious pain and inflammation, so I started cycling
May 2021
3:20pm, 11 May 2021
73,396 posts
By the way, I joined this game as I mainly run/walk and walk short distances on the footpaths around my home. I may yet invest in an up to date Garmin, but I try not to "consume" more than necessary and the 301 works just fine...
May 2021
3:37pm, 11 May 2021
678 posts
jelly (limegreenjelly)
Yeah I know what you mean! I have an old Garmin here I’ve promised to a friend as she wants to come and play! The only thing it doesn’t do is record cycling! I try not to consume too much but my old Garmin couldn’t cope with the mileage, Garmin replaced it with a reconditioned one my husband is using and we bought me a ‘better’ one!