Who Squares Wins!

1 lurker | 174 watchers
Oct 2020
5:37am, 28 Oct 2020
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In my case, I have 3 roads that are about a mile long each with few or no roads going off them; there are footpaths across fields and along the river but I can’t cycle those and running is tricky due to the ruts. About half my squares are inaccessible.
Oct 2020
6:04am, 28 Oct 2020
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Same here, about half, mine are in the sea, if I could swivel the grid a bit I would. Piers on each side of the river mouth access more, I sometimes adjust grid mid game for different sea squares, though they involve a fair distance for me, that a crow would fly in seconds 😂 My opponent this week has a 97+% WAVA! am in awe :-) - love this game for all sorts of reasons. (For fetchpoint I made markers in the sea inaccessible, worked for years until someone went kite or wind surfing in September this year then I felt guilty).
Oct 2020
6:14am, 28 Oct 2020
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forgot, thank you for the poll, DS :-)
Oct 2020
6:40am, 28 Oct 2020
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My grid has a small town in one quadrant, my village in another and the rest is forest. And all of it is hills and valleys. Most of my routes are out and back, up and then down (or visa versa) so the run one way walk the other works... If I'm just out for a run, a good deal of those up hill sections are walked anyway, it's just too steep! But if I'm logging as a walk, I walk the whole thing.

I can get to most squares, there are a handful that are fields, but my main issue now will be the dark. I can't run in the forest after dark it's not safe, and that's probably 60% of my grid... And work means I'm chained to my desk during daylight hours, it's most frustrating!

Poll is great, have cast my vote!
Oct 2020
8:22am, 28 Oct 2020
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I don’t know what I’m doing to my competitors.... Alice went down with a poorly ankle (hope it’s feeling better Alice) and kstuart is either not playing this week or going to hit me with a weeks upload on Monday.
Oct 2020
8:49am, 28 Oct 2020
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Just catching up on ITG's post from last night. Apologies for not being up to speed on Icelandic restrictions but am I correct to interpret the quarantine as an intervention wider than just your household? Whether I am or not, stay safe and well - please don't take any unnecessary risks due to this game (I'd say that regardless of the fact that we're playing each other this week) - and I hope things get back to whatever passes for normal soon.

While I'm here - thanks DS for the poll.

And as for grids - our village covers about six squares in the middle and is surrounded by fields. There's a few roads (mostly north-south) of varying quality most of which are unlit and have no pavement - I've just counted and determined that there are approx 110 squares with tarmac - including the ones that can only be accessed on tarmac from outside the grid. There's a good few footpaths round the edge of some of the fields and along the riverbank but limited crossing points over the River Kent and the West Coast Main line. There's plenty of open fell and waterlogged dips. The other limitation is livestock - even if the cattle aren't being friendly/inquisitive they are 'fertilising' and churning up the areas around most of the gates - making some of the paths impassable.
Oct 2020
8:56am, 28 Oct 2020
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Alice the Camel
Really sorry about last week gg, I tried a 2 miler yesterday but it’s still not right. I’ll get you next time though! :-p

I’m limited on access too - the most I can get is around 120 squares without a grid move. Lots of private farmland and Salisbury Plain (military) surround our village. There are few roads and most of those are not pavemented.
Oct 2020
10:22am, 28 Oct 2020
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ITG 🇮🇸
Hi Andy,

The quarantine is personal to our household as we were in a café for lunch on Saturday and a case was later traced back there. But there are no restrictions on running :) You don't get off that easily. We are all absolutely fine. It does not seem very likely we have been infected but if have been, we have been some of the fortunate ones. We'll get a test on Saturday and - if clear - be released into the wild again.

Sadly, I don't even get time of work because I am teaching online to Greenland all week. Damn this modern technology!
Oct 2020
10:26am, 28 Oct 2020
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The top left of my square is off-road mud and hills and quite tricky to get to and out of bounds in darkness. I dont often run there

I also have a few squares I can’t get to as they are within Edinburgh zoo murrayfield stadium and hearts football ground. Three golf courses also make other squares a challenge. One is also on a road with no pedestrian or cycle access.

Anyway. On the plus side I had a great sleep last night and didn’t do my six am cycle and feel more refreshed. Post dirk run will be with my 1v1 game in mind.
Oct 2020
10:26am, 28 Oct 2020
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Dirk equals work.

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