Apr 2017
12:42pm, 10 Apr 2017
27,920 posts
Was yesterday an ex work colleague who remembers us having conversations about running several years ago, always claiming how crap she'd be at running.
Well yesterday she went and ran her first marathon in Brighton on the hottest day of the year, makes me proud as well as smile
Apr 2017
4:38pm, 10 Apr 2017
21,670 posts
Lip Gloss
The fact my legs still work today
Apr 2017
4:39pm, 10 Apr 2017
3,614 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
That's a MESS! You haven't integrated the corrections I made and you sent it back telling me it was final draft! You might have added a footnote or two but this is NOT anywhere close to going to review.
On the bright side, I no longer feel under pressure to fix up my stuff.
Apr 2017
4:39pm, 10 Apr 2017
3,615 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
That's a MESS! You haven't integrated the corrections I made and you sent it back telling me it was final draft! You might have added a footnote or two but this is NOT anywhere close to going to review.
On the bright side, I no longer feel under pressure to fix up my stuff.
Apr 2017
4:41pm, 10 Apr 2017
21,672 posts
Lip Gloss
Apr 2017
7:39pm, 10 Apr 2017
3,616 posts
Icelandic Trigirl
[haha, got lost on fetch, LG. This is like hitting "reply all" by mistake - but safer for one's career prospects!]
Apr 2017
8:03pm, 10 Apr 2017
21,678 posts
Lip Gloss
a lot safer.
Apr 2017
8:03pm, 10 Apr 2017
4,808 posts
The veg seedlings I potted on yesterday have all survived and the ones that looked pretty dead have been Lazarus like in their resurrection.
Apr 2017
6:44pm, 12 Apr 2017
1,610 posts
Eynsham Red
The NHS, and in particular my GP surgery today. I asked reception this morning if I could speak to, or have a message passed to a doctor about a chesty cough that I've had for a few weeks. I didn't want to waste an appointment if a quick chat would be enough. (I take immunosuppressing medication, which means it can take me a while longer to recover from some infections). I received a call from the surgery with an appointment to see my GP this afternoon. While I was there, he spent about fifteen minutes waiting to speak to the duty registrar at the renal unit, and five minutes discussing the best medication for me. He then apologized to ME for taking so long but "I want to make sure I get it right". Some might say that he was only doing his job, which he was, but there is so much shit wrongly thrown at the NHS these days, it was a real privilege to see a professional doing his job without regard for over running my 10 minute slot.
Apr 2017
6:47pm, 12 Apr 2017
4,816 posts
That's good ER. I had a pleasant experience at my surgery today too - was seen promptly, fears allayed, kind doctor who didn't make me feel I was wasting anyone's time, and pills in my grubby paw all within twenty minutes. Couldn't fault it.