Jan 2008
4:10pm, 16 Jan 2008
87 posts
Reading your own post back and seeing the bad spelling mistakes after it has been posted .. (sometimes)
Jan 2008
4:23pm, 16 Jan 2008
100 posts
People coughing without covering their mouths on the tube. Bad enough at the best of times but for crying out loud, there's some nasty viruses going round at the moment.
Jan 2008
4:39pm, 16 Jan 2008
104 posts
Politicians, when asked a straightforward question, answering "I think the real question is..." then spout some pre-rehearsed shite.
The real question is the fucking one you were asked, moron.
(And interviewers who don't make them answer the question)
Taxis. Knobs. It's Mirror Signal Manouevre. Not Manouevre.
Jan 2008
5:15pm, 16 Jan 2008
6,233 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
When I don't press the clutch down
Jan 2008
5:26pm, 16 Jan 2008
88 posts
Automated telephone services, when you can't speak to anyone, and when you have been hanging on for hours you get cut off
Jan 2008
5:27pm, 16 Jan 2008
5,741 posts
people who go off to a meeting, leaving their phone on the desk, ringer at full volume. and then their mailbox calls them back again.... and again.....
Jan 2008
5:30pm, 16 Jan 2008
2,242 posts
DIY Diva
Sheets, I've heard the trick with automated telephone services is to call the sales line since they'll want your dosh sooner than your query/complaint and then get put through to where you want to be.
Heard this solution on a radio prog and have tried it and it worked (It was a complaint about billing to Sky, btw)
Jan 2008
5:35pm, 16 Jan 2008
6,239 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
2 words stumpy performance management
Jan 2008
5:46pm, 16 Jan 2008
89 posts
thanks DIY
You couldn’t make it up ….spent almost 30 min trying to get through only to be told “sorry our system is down at the moment, you will have to call back” OMG I could scream
Jan 2008
6:01pm, 16 Jan 2008
5,742 posts
sounds like a conversation I once had with BT, trying to pay one thing (my then housemate had thrown away the bill and not told me he hadn't paid it while I was on holiday) and set up something else.
after a tortuous process, I paid the bill and the guy says, I'll transfer you to do XYZ now (which involved another payment)
The person in charge of XYZ sorts it all out, takes ages longer, all on my mobile phone and then she says 'oh we can't accept more than one payment a day from you' WTF???? what? I sat here all this time and YOU CAN'T HELP ME! why didn't the first person tell me that when he knew I needed to make another payment? why can't I pay for more than one thing in one transaction?
The words 'I think I would like to cancel my account with you' seemed to be quite magical as it turns out their system could, after all, accept another payment.