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What next after c25k?

1 watcher
Feb 2012
9:41pm, 28 Feb 2012
129 posts
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My girlfriend is new to running and is just coming to the end of a 9 week "couch to 5k" programme. She's up to running a little over 2 miles in about 30 minutes. What would you recommend she does next - increase the speed or run at the same speed for longer? Is anyone aware of a follow-on programme that she can use to build on what she's done so far? Her ultimate aim is to run a 5k in 30 minutes in July.

All advice gratefully received!
Feb 2012
9:44pm, 28 Feb 2012
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Just keep going for longer and the speed will come naturally.
Probably some programmes on RW, though I couldn't point to where exactly.
Feb 2012
9:52pm, 28 Feb 2012
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There are follow-on programmes like "bridge to 10k" but if her goal is the 5k (Race for Life, by any chance?) then probably not really what she's looking for.

Personal experience... After finishing C25K, I kept up the 30 minutes three times a week routine but started gradually increasing the time of the weekend run to build up "stamina". I didn't particularly try to run the shorter sessions any faster but they did start getting a little faster with more practice.

It was also suggested to me (although I never actually did it! :-( ) that you could re-do the C25k programme but replace the walk/run with jog/run faster to make a classic interval training plan.

Probably the best thing you can do for her is provide lots of encouragement and be a willing training partner whenever she wants/needs a bit of company.
Feb 2012
2:56pm, 29 Feb 2012
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Thanks to both of you. Looks like the general principle then is to add more distance before she thinks about more speed. How far would you recommend she increases her run to before she starts to increase speed? As I said she is training for a 5k, so should she eventually increase her run distance beyond that before thinking about increaseing speed?
Feb 2012
2:59pm, 29 Feb 2012
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Mark J
Do the miles and the speed will follow. Well done to her so far though. Onwards, alongwards and then upwards.
Feb 2012
3:02pm, 29 Feb 2012
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Stripes you will probably find as you gradually increase endurance and distance then your girlfriend will probably speed up naturally. Don't be in a hurray to add speed work. Is there a parkrun near you?
Feb 2012
3:09pm, 29 Feb 2012
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Fizz :-)
Get her to join Fetch :-)

(and parkruns are fantastic)
Feb 2012
3:11pm, 29 Feb 2012
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I did the C25K last spring with a race for life in mind - I added 3 and then 5 mins to one run a week until I got to 5K and then started the bridge to 10K programme.

As said above, it depends what her goals are - I found with the B210K programme that going back to having walk breaks got me rather too reliant on them and I was probably running the runs too fast ( for me) knowing that I could stop and walk soon. With hindsight carrying on with 2 x 30 mins and one slightly increasing run each week would have been better overall.
Feb 2012
3:22pm, 29 Feb 2012
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Thanks for the replies! She is already on Fetch but not brave enough to post on the forum yet! I'm sure the friendly and helpful response on this thread will help with that though! ;)
Mar 2012
5:18pm, 2 Mar 2012
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Stripes, there are two threads called "Absolute Beginners" and "SAP Club". (I confess an interest in the first because I started it!) Suggest to your girlfriend that she reads those two and if she posts on either I can guarantee she will acquire a small group of mega-friendly beginner runners who know exactly how she's feeling. She's also welcome to contact me directly through fmail if she'd like.

If she's not already doing it, I'd also really recommend logging her training here now she's finished C25k. Being able to track those tiny little improvements is massively encouraging.

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Maintained by Stripes
My girlfriend is new to running and is just coming to the end of a 9 week "couch to 5k" programme....
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